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Resolve "Create Results class"

Lucas POLO-LOPEZ requested to merge 15-create-results-class into develop

Closes #15 (closed)

Methods to implement

getSParameters(self, portA: int, portB: int, modeA: int = 0, modeB: int = 0, runID: int = 0)

Selects the tree result element "S portA(modeA),portB(modeB)". If modeA and B are zero, then the mode reference (along with the parenthesis) is suppressed from the string.

Return also the vector of frequencies.

Useful methods

  • SelectTreeItem
  • Resulttree.GetResultIDsFromTreeItem
  • result1D = Resulttree.GetResultFromTreeItem
  • result1D.GetArray

getFarField(self, freq: Union[float, str], theta: float, phi: float, port: int, mode: int = 0, plotMode: str = "directivity", coorSys: str = "spherical", polarization: str = "linear", component: list = {"theta abs", "phi abs"})

  1. Generate label for the desired result and select it from results tree
  2. Reset plot, setPlotMode...
  3. Add evaluation points (theta and phi) to the list
  4. Calculate list
  5. Get list for each of the desired components
Edited by Lucas POLO-LOPEZ

Merge request reports
