Resolve "Create Results class"
Closes #15 (closed)
Methods to implement
getSParameters(self, portA: int, portB: int, modeA: int = 0, modeB: int = 0, runID: int = 0)
Selects the tree result element "S portA(modeA),portB(modeB)". If modeA and B are zero, then the mode reference (along with the parenthesis) is suppressed from the string.
Return also the vector of frequencies.
Useful methods
- SelectTreeItem
- Resulttree.GetResultIDsFromTreeItem
- result1D = Resulttree.GetResultFromTreeItem
- result1D.GetArray
getFarField(self, freq: Union[float, str], theta: float, phi: float, port: int, mode: int = 0, plotMode: str = "directivity", coorSys: str = "spherical", polarization: str = "linear", component: list = {"theta abs", "phi abs"})
- Generate label for the desired result and select it from results tree
- Reset plot, setPlotMode...
- Add evaluation points (theta and phi) to the list
- Calculate list
- Get list for each of the desired components
Edited by Lucas POLO-LOPEZ