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discretizationsolver.cpp 63.4 KiB
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 Name:       DiscretizationSolver
 Discrete optimization for graph discretization
 Author:     J.Omer
 Sources:    C++
 License:    GNU General Public License v.2

#include "discretizationsolver.hpp"
#include <ctime>


ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK2(CyclesLazyConstraints, Instance &, inst, DiscretizationSolver&, solver) {

#ifdef VERBOSE
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std::cout << "revorder: check lazy dicycle constraints" << std::endl;
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// Search for cycles in the current solution digraph
// generate the adjacency lists of the vertices corresponding to the current
// cplex solution
float tolerance = 1e-06;
std::map<Vertex*, std::vector<Vertex*> > adjlist;
std::map<Vertex*, int > nbrefs;
for (Vertex* v : inst.vertices_) {
adjlist[v] = std::vector<Vertex*>();
nbrefs[v] = 0;
for (Vertex* u : inst.vertices_) {
if (solver.modeltype_ == WITNESS) {
if (getValue(solver.isvertexinclique(u) >= 1 - tolerance)) continue;
for (Vertex* v : u->neighbors_) {
if (getValue(solver.isbefore(u, v)) >= 1 - tolerance) {
// search for the root of the digraph
Vertex* root = nullptr;
int minnbrefs = inst.nbvertices_;
if (solver.modeltype_ == WITNESS) {
for (Vertex* v : inst.vertices_) {
if (getValue(solver.isvertexinclique(v) >= 1 - tolerance)) {
root = v;
} else {
for (Vertex* v : inst.vertices_) {
if (nbrefs[v] < minnbrefs) {
minnbrefs = nbrefs[v];
root = v;
if (minnbrefs < inst.L()) break;
// call the enumeration of cycles, returns false if there are none
std::vector<std::vector<Vertex*> > cycles;
bool iscyclic = solver.enumeratecycles(adjlist, root, cycles);

// Look for dicycle inequalities : we restrict the search to the dicycles
// that contain at least one edge in the distance graph
// besides that, the search is performed using brute force
int nbaddedcuts = 0;
IloEnv env = getEnv();
if (iscyclic) {
for (std::vector<Vertex*> path : cycles) {
IloExpr sumedges(env);
int cyclelength = path.size();
Vertex* u = path.back();
for (int i = 0; i < cyclelength; i++) {
Vertex* v = path[i];
sumedges += solver.isbefore(u, v);
u = v;
if ((solver.modeltype_ == WITNESS) && (cyclelength <= inst.L() + 1)) {
add(sumedges - solver.isvertexinclique(path.front()) <= cyclelength - 1).end();
} else {
add(sumedges <= cyclelength - 1).end();
#ifdef VERBOSE
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std::cout << "revorder: number of violated dicycle constraints : " << nbaddedcuts << std::endl;
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} else {
#ifdef VERBOSE
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std::cout << "revorder: the graph is acyclic " << std::endl;
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// User branch callback that gives priority to branching on clique variables

ILOBRANCHCALLBACK2(BranchOnCliqueVariables, DiscretizationSolver&, solver, IloCplex::MIPCallbackI::NodeId&, nodeId) {
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if (getBranchType() != BranchOnVariable)

if (nodeId == getNodeId())
nodeId = getNodeId();

// Branch on the fractionnary clique variable closest to 1
IntegerFeasibilityArray feas;
IloNumArray val;
try {
val = IloNumArray(getEnv());
feas = IntegerFeasibilityArray(getEnv());
getValues(val, solver.isclique_);
getFeasibilities(feas, solver.isclique_);
// get the clique variable with maximum integer infeasibility
IloInt bestvar = -1;
IloNum maxval = 0.3;
IloInt cols = solver.isclique_.getSize();
for (IloInt j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
if (feas[j] == Infeasible) {
if (val[j] >= 1 - 1.0e-6) {
bestvar = -1;
if (std::min(val[j], 1 - val[j]) > maxval) {
bestvar = j;
maxval = std::min(val[j], 1 - val[j]);
} else if (val[j] >= 1 - 1.0e-6) {
bestvar = -1;
// if there is at least one fractionnary clique variable create two branches
if (bestvar >= 0) {
//            HeuristicNode* data = new HeuristicNode();
//            data->fixcliqueindex(bestvar);
makeBranch(solver.isclique_[bestvar], val[bestvar], IloCplex::BranchUp, getObjValue());
makeBranch(solver.isclique_[bestvar], val[bestvar], IloCplex::BranchDown, getObjValue());
#ifdef VERBOSE
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std::cout << "revorder: clique " << bestvar << " bounds " << getLB(solver.isclique_[bestvar]) << " " << getUB(solver.isclique_[bestvar]) << ", value " << val[bestvar] << ", feasibility " << feas[bestvar] << std::endl;
            std::cout << "revorder: branch callback: branch on the variable isclique_" << bestvar << std::endl;
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//        else {
//            Vertex* bestu = NULL;
//            Vertex* bestv = NULL;
//            for (Vertex* u : solver.inst_->vertices_) {
//                std::map<Vertex*, IloNum> isbeforeval;
//                float sumrefs = 0;
//                for (Vertex* v : u->neighbors_) {
//                    isbeforeval[v] = getValue(solver.isbefore_[v][u]);
//                    sumrefs += isbeforeval[v];
//                }
//                if (sumrefs == solver.inst_->U()) {
//                    for (Vertex* v : u->neighbors_) {
//                        if (getFeasibility(solver.isbefore_[v][u]) == Infeasible) {
//                            if (std::min(isbeforeval[v], 1 - isbeforeval[v]) > maxval) {
//                                bestu = u;
//                                bestv = v;
//                                maxval = std::min(isbeforeval[v], 1 - isbeforeval[v]);
//                            }
//                        }
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//            if (bestu) {
//                // HeuristicNode* data = new HeuristicNode();
//                // data->fixcliqueindex(bestvar);
//                std::cout << "revorder: branch on isbefore_" << bestv->id_ << "_" << bestu->id_ << std::endl;
//                makeBranch(solver.isbefore_[bestv][bestu], getValue(solver.isbefore_[bestv][bestu]), IloCplex::BranchUp, getObjValue());
//                makeBranch(solver.isbefore_[bestv][bestu], getValue(solver.isbefore_[bestv][bestu]), IloCplex::BranchDown, getObjValue());
//            }
//        }
} catch (...) {


// constructors and destructor

Clique::Clique(std::vector<Vertex *> vert) : nbvertices_(vert.size()), vertices_(vert) {

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