- The project have a new name: ImageINSA. All related classes, licences texts, files, CMake targets and documentation have been updated in consequence.
### 2014-12-10
- Translations (FR, EN) have been updated. They are correclty loaded at startup and a submenu (in 'File') updates the current language automatically.
### 2014-11-18
- DPCM algorithm have been fixed. Error image is correctly generated and displayed.
### 2014-11-13
- Negative values are allowed in custom quantifications
### 2014-11-12
- About dialog added. Displays info on the current software.
### 2014-11-07
- Histograms can be displayed for Image_t<double> instances.
- Drag & Drop implemented. This allows to load image files quickly by dropping them in the interface.
### 2014-11-05
- Whole project is now configured with CMake
- Qt library updated to major version 5
\ No newline at end of file
- Qt library updated to major version 5
### 2014-11-04
- Qwt library version updated to 6.1.1
### 2014-10-23
- Whole project updated to use CMake as compilation manager