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Commit 478f54d1 authored by Tanguy Raufflet's avatar Tanguy Raufflet
Browse files

Correction des opérations sur les pixels + correction warnings de PointOp.cpp/.h

parent fc42f49d
No related branches found
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......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ CMakeLists.txt.user*
##Build dir
##working files
......@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ qt5_add_resources(RCC_FILES "imageinsa_app_res.qrc")
set(TS_FILES imageinsa_en.ts imageinsa_fr.ts)
# Uncomment only 1 of the 2 folowing commands, depending on your needs
# -1- Use current translations files
#qt5_add_translation(QM_FILES ${TS_FILES})
qt5_add_translation(QM_FILES ${TS_FILES})
# -2- Update translations files with changes from c++ sources
qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES ${imageinsa_SOURCES} ${UIS} ${TS_FILES})
#qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES ${imageinsa_SOURCES} ${UIS} ${TS_FILES})
# -3- Update translations files with changes from c++ sources AND drop useless translations
#qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES ${imageinsa_SOURCES} ${UIS} ${TS_FILES} OPTIONS -no-obsolete)
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QGroupBox>
......@@ -46,41 +45,41 @@ PointOp::PointOp() : GenericOperation(qApp->translate("Operations", "Pixel opera
PointOp::PixelOp* PointOp::PixelOp::fromString(QString op, QString expr) {
if(op=="+") return new PixAdd(expr.toInt(0,0));
if(op=="-") return new PixAdd(-expr.toInt(0,0));
PointOp::PixelOp* PointOp::PixelOp::fromString(const QString& op, const QString& expr) {
if(op=="+") return new PixAdd(expr.toInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="-") return new PixAdd(-expr.toInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="*") return new PixMul(expr.toDouble());
if(op=="/") return new PixMul(1/expr.toDouble());
if(op=="& (bit-wise AND)") return new PixBitwiseAnd(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="&& (logical AND)") return new PixLogicalAnd(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="! (logical NOT)") return new PixLogicalNot(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="| (bit-wise OR)") return new PixBitwiseOr(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="|| (logical OR)") return new PixLogicalOr(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="^ (bit-wise XOR)") return new PixBitwiseXor(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="^^ (logical XOR)") return new PixLogicalXor(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="<<") return new PixLshift(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op==">>") return new PixRshift(expr.toUInt(0,0));
if(op=="& (bit-wise AND)") return new PixBitwiseAnd(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="&& (logical AND)") return new PixLogicalAnd(expr.toInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="! (bit-wise NOT)") return new PixLogicalNot(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="| (bit-wise OR)") return new PixBitwiseOr(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="|| (logical OR)") return new PixLogicalOr(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="^ (bit-wise XOR)") return new PixBitwiseXor(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="^^ (logical XOR)") return new PixLogicalXor(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="<<") return new PixLshift(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op==">>") return new PixRshift(expr.toUInt(nullptr,0));
if(op=="") return new PixIdent();
std::cout << "Unknown operator '" << op.toStdString() << "' ! PixelOp" << std::endl;
return new PixIdent();
PointOp::DoublePixelOp* PointOp::DoublePixelOp::fromString(QString op, QString expr) {
PointOp::DoublePixelOp* PointOp::DoublePixelOp::fromString(const QString& op, const QString& expr) {
if(op=="+") return new DoublePixAdd(expr.toDouble());
if(op=="-") return new DoublePixAdd(-expr.toDouble());
if(op=="*") return new DoublePixMul(expr.toDouble());
if(op=="/") return new DoublePixMul(1/expr.toDouble());
if(op=="&& (logical AND)") return new DoublePixLogicalAnd(expr.toUInt());
if(op=="! (logical NOT)") return new DoublePixLogicalNot(expr.toUInt());
if(op=="|| (logical OR)") return new DoublePixLogicalOr(expr.toUInt());
if(op=="^^ (logical XOR)") return new DoublePixLogicalXor(expr.toUInt());
if(op=="<<") return new DoublePixLshift(expr.toUInt());
if(op==">>") return new DoublePixRshift(expr.toUInt());
if(op=="&& (logical AND)") return new DoublePixLogicalAnd(expr.toInt());
if(op=="! (bit-wise NOT)") return new DoublePixLogicalNot(expr.toInt());
if(op=="|| (logical OR)") return new DoublePixLogicalOr(expr.toInt());
if(op=="^^ (logical XOR)") return new DoublePixLogicalXor(expr.toInt());
if(op=="<<") return new DoublePixLshift(expr.toInt());
if(op==">>") return new DoublePixRshift(expr.toInt());
if(op=="") return new DoublePixIdent();
std::cout << "Unknown operator '" << op.toStdString() << "' ! DoublePixelOp" << std::endl;
return new DoublePixIdent();
PointOp::ImageOp* PointOp::ImageOp::fromString(QString op) {
PointOp::ImageOp* PointOp::ImageOp::fromString(const QString& op) {
if(op=="+") return new ImgAdd();
if(op=="-") return new ImgSub();
if(op=="*") return new ImgMul();
......@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@ PointOp::ImageOp* PointOp::ImageOp::fromString(QString op) {
return new ImgIdent();
PointOp::DoubleImageOp* PointOp::DoubleImageOp::fromString(QString op) {
PointOp::DoubleImageOp* PointOp::DoubleImageOp::fromString(const QString& op) {
if(op=="+") return new DoubleImgAdd();
if(op=="-") return new DoubleImgSub();
if(op=="*") return new DoubleImgMul();
......@@ -121,40 +120,40 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
QString currentImgName = currentWnd->windowTitle();
map<const Image*,string> stdImgList;
map<const Image_t<double>*,string> dblImgList;
for(vector<const ImageWindow*>::const_iterator it = wndList.begin(); it != wndList.end(); ++it) {
if((*it)->isStandard()) {
const StandardImageWindow* stdImgWnd = dynamic_cast<const StandardImageWindow*>(*it);
for(auto it : wndList) {
if(it->isStandard()) {
const auto* stdImgWnd = dynamic_cast<const StandardImageWindow*>(it);
stdImgList.insert(pair<const Image*, string>(stdImgWnd->getImage(), stdImgWnd->windowTitle().toStdString()));
else if((*it)->isDouble()) {
const DoubleImageWindow* dblImgWnd = dynamic_cast<const DoubleImageWindow*>(*it);
else if(it->isDouble()) {
const auto* dblImgWnd = dynamic_cast<const DoubleImageWindow*>(it);
dblImgList.insert(pair<const Image_t<double>*, string>(dblImgWnd->getImage(), dblImgWnd->windowTitle().toStdString()));
QDialog* dialog = new QDialog();
auto* dialog = new QDialog();
dialog->setWindowTitle(qApp->translate("Operations", "Parameters"));
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout();
auto* layout = new QVBoxLayout();
QGroupBox* radioGroup = new QGroupBox(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Second operand"), dialog);
QRadioButton* valueButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Value"));
auto* radioGroup = new QGroupBox(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Second operand"), dialog);
auto* valueButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Value"));
valueButton->setWhatsThis(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Enter a real number in the blank space below as the second operand"));
QRadioButton* imageButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Image"));
auto* imageButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Image"));
imageButton->setWhatsThis(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Select an image as the second operand"));
QGroupBox* radioGroup2 = new QGroupBox(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Output image"), dialog);
QRadioButton* uCharButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "UChar"));
auto* radioGroup2 = new QGroupBox(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Output image"), dialog);
auto* uCharButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "UChar"));
uCharButton->setWhatsThis(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Output the result image in uchar format"));
QRadioButton* doubleButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Double"));
auto* doubleButton = new QRadioButton(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Double"));
doubleButton->setWhatsThis(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Output the result image in double format"));
QHBoxLayout* radioLayout = new QHBoxLayout(radioGroup);
auto* radioLayout = new QHBoxLayout(radioGroup);
QHBoxLayout* radioLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout(radioGroup2);
auto* radioLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout(radioGroup2);
......@@ -170,14 +169,14 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
QGroupBox* checkbox = new QGroupBox(qApp->translate("PointOp","Options"));
QHBoxLayout* optLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout();
QCheckBox* offsetBox = new QCheckBox(qApp->translate("PointOp","Offset"));
auto* checkbox = new QGroupBox(qApp->translate("PointOp","Options"));
auto* optLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
auto* gridLayout = new QGridLayout();
auto* offsetBox = new QCheckBox(qApp->translate("PointOp","Offset"));
offsetBox->setWhatsThis(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Add an offset of 127"));
QCheckBox* scalingBox = new QCheckBox(qApp->translate("PointOp","Scaling"));
auto* scalingBox = new QCheckBox(qApp->translate("PointOp","Scaling"));
scalingBox->setWhatsThis(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Map the value of each pixel to the range of 0-255 proportionally"));
QCheckBox* colorBox = new QCheckBox(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Explode colors"));
auto* colorBox = new QCheckBox(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Explode colors"));
colorBox->setWhatsThis(qApp->translate("PointOp", "Check this option to execute the manipulation by channel"));
......@@ -195,16 +194,16 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
int nChannel = currentWnd->getDisplayImage()->getNbChannels();
int nChannel = (int)currentWnd->getDisplayImage()->getNbChannels();
QHBoxLayout** valueLayouts = new QHBoxLayout*[nChannel+1];
QComboBox** pixOperatorBoxes = new QComboBox*[nChannel+1];
QComboBox** imgOperatorBoxes = new QComboBox*[nChannel+1];
MyQLineEdit** exprEdits = new MyQLineEdit*[nChannel+1];
MixImageListBox** imageBoxes = new MixImageListBox*[nChannel+1];
auto** valueLayouts = new QHBoxLayout*[nChannel+1];
auto** pixOperatorBoxes = new QComboBox*[nChannel+1];
auto** imgOperatorBoxes = new QComboBox*[nChannel+1];
auto** exprEdits = new MyQLineEdit*[nChannel+1];
auto** imageBoxes = new MixImageListBox*[nChannel+1];
QWidget* pixelWidget = new QWidget(dialog);
QWidget* imgWidget = new QWidget(dialog);
auto* pixelWidget = new QWidget(dialog);
auto* imgWidget = new QWidget(dialog);
valueLayouts[0] = new QHBoxLayout();
pixOperatorBoxes[0] = new QComboBox(pixelWidget);
imgOperatorBoxes[0] = new QComboBox(imgWidget);
......@@ -235,7 +234,7 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
QWidget* colorWidget = new QWidget(dialog);
auto* colorWidget = new QWidget(dialog);
colorWidget->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout());
for(int i=1; i <= nChannel; ++i) {
valueLayouts[i] = new QHBoxLayout();
......@@ -279,13 +278,13 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
QObject::connect(doubleButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), scalingBox, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
QPushButton *okButton = new QPushButton(qApp->translate("Operations", "Validate"), dialog);
auto *okButton = new QPushButton(qApp->translate("Operations", "Validate"), dialog);
QObject::connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), dialog, SLOT(accept()));
QDialog::DialogCode code = static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(dialog->exec());
auto code = static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(dialog->exec());
if(code!=QDialog::Accepted) {
......@@ -303,17 +302,16 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
const DoubleImageWindow* currentDblWnd = dynamic_cast<const DoubleImageWindow*>(currentWnd);
const auto* currentDblWnd = dynamic_cast<const DoubleImageWindow*>(currentWnd);
const Image_t<double>* image = currentDblWnd ? Converter<Image_t<double> >::convert(*currentDblWnd->getImage()) : Converter<Image_t<double> >::convert(*currentWnd->getDisplayImage());
unsigned int maxWidth = image->getWidth();
unsigned int maxHeight = image->getHeight();
Image_t<double>* resDoubleImg;
Image* resImg;
if(valueButton->isChecked()) {
PixelOp** pixelOps = new PixelOp*[nChannel];
DoublePixelOp** doublePixelOps = new DoublePixelOp*[nChannel];
auto** pixelOps = new PixelOp*[nChannel];
auto** doublePixelOps = new DoublePixelOp*[nChannel];
if(!colorBox->isChecked()) {
QString expr = exprEdits[0]->text();
PixelOp* pixelOp = PixelOp::fromString(pixOperatorBoxes[0]->currentText(), expr);
......@@ -331,7 +329,6 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
resImg = new Image(image->getWidth(), image->getHeight(), nChannel);
resDoubleImg = new Image_t<double>(image->getWidth(), image->getHeight(), nChannel);
for(int c = 0; c < nChannel; ++c) {
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < image->getHeight(); ++j) {
......@@ -341,9 +338,9 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
double value2 = doublePixelOps[c]->operator()(value1);
resDoubleImg->setPixel(i, j, c, value2);
int value1 = image->getPixel(i, j, c);
int value1 = (int)image->getPixel(i, j, c);
int value2 = pixelOps[c]->operator()(value1);
resImg->setPixel(i, j, c, value2);
resDoubleImg->setPixel(i, j, c, value2);
......@@ -351,8 +348,8 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
else {
/*The double image process exist already, but cases of standard images is ignored*/
ImageOp** stdImageOps = new ImageOp*[nChannel];
DoubleImageOp** dblImageOps = new DoubleImageOp*[nChannel];
auto** stdImageOps = new ImageOp*[nChannel];
auto** dblImageOps = new DoubleImageOp*[nChannel];
bool isDblImg[nChannel];
const Image_t<double>* dblImageImgs[nChannel];
......@@ -389,7 +386,7 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
dblImageOps[i] = DoubleImageOp::fromString(imgOperatorBoxes[i+1]->currentText());
if(imageBoxes[i+1]->currentType() == MixImageListBox::DBLIMG) {
const Image_t<double>* dblImg = imageBoxes[i+1]->getDblImage(imageBoxes[i+1]->currentText().toStdString());
for(int i=0; i<nChannel; ++i) {
for(int j=0; i<nChannel; ++i) {
dblImageImgs[i] = dblImg;
isDblImg[i] = true;
......@@ -398,7 +395,7 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
else {
const Image* stdImg = imageBoxes[i+1]->getStdImage(imageBoxes[i+1]->currentText().toStdString());
for(int i=0; i<nChannel; ++i) {
for(int j=0; i<nChannel; ++i) {
stdImageImgs[i] = stdImg;
isDblImg[i] = false;
......@@ -419,9 +416,9 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
qApp->translate("PointOp", "You have performed an operation on 2 images of different dimensions"));
resDoubleImg = new Image_t<double>(maxWidth, maxHeight, nChannel);
for(int c = 0; c < resImg->getNbChannels(); ++c) {
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < resImg->getHeight(); ++j) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < resImg->getWidth(); ++i) {
for(int c = 0; c < resDoubleImg->getNbChannels(); ++c) {
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < resDoubleImg->getHeight(); ++j) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < resDoubleImg->getWidth(); ++i) {
if(isDblImg[c]) {
double value1 = image->getPixel(i, j, c);
const unsigned int channel = (c < dblImageImgs[c]->getNbChannels() ? c : 0);
......@@ -430,11 +427,11 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
resDoubleImg->setPixel(i, j, c, resVal);
else {
int value1 = image->getPixel(i, j, c);
int value1 = (int)image->getPixel(i, j, c);
const unsigned int channel = (c < stdImageImgs[c]->getNbChannels() ? c : 0);
int value2 = stdImageImgs[c]->getPixel(i, j, channel);
int resVal = stdImageOps[c]->operator()(value1, value2);
resImg->setPixel(i, j, c, resVal);
resDoubleImg->setPixel(i, j, c, (double)resVal);
......@@ -454,8 +451,11 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
Image* charResImg;
bool _scaling = scalingBox->isChecked();
bool _offset = offsetBox->isChecked();
std::string outputMessage = "";
Image_t<int>* intResImg = Converter<Image_t<int> >::convert(*resImg);
std::string outputMessage;
//Toutes les opérations sont réalisées sur des doubles.
//Si le résultat demandé n'est pas de type double, on fait une conversion en int à la fin
Image_t<int>* intResImg = Converter<Image_t<int> >::convert(*resDoubleImg);
if(_scaling && _offset ){
charResImg = Converter<Image>::convertScaleAndOffset(*intResImg, &outputMessage);
......@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ void PointOp::operator()(const ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const Image
charResImg = Converter<Image>::convertAndOffset(*intResImg, &outputMessage);
charResImg = Converter<Image>::convert(*resImg);
charResImg = Converter<Image>::convert(*resDoubleImg);
outputMessage = qApp->translate("Operations","Pas de conversion [min : 0, max : 255]").toStdString();
......@@ -481,5 +481,5 @@ bool PointOp::needCurrentImg() const {
bool PointOp::isValidImgWnd(const genericinterface::ImageWindow* imgWnd) const {
return imgWnd != NULL;
return imgWnd != nullptr;
......@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ class PointOp : public GenericOperation {
virtual void operator()(const genericinterface::ImageWindow* currentWnd, const std::vector<const genericinterface::ImageWindow*>&);
void operator()(const genericinterface::ImageWindow* currentWnd, const std::vector<const genericinterface::ImageWindow*>&) override;
bool needCurrentImg() const;
virtual bool isValidImgWnd(const genericinterface::ImageWindow* imgWnd) const;
bool needCurrentImg() const override;
bool isValidImgWnd(const genericinterface::ImageWindow* imgWnd) const override;
typedef imagein::Image::depth_t depth_t;
......@@ -59,31 +59,31 @@ class PointOp : public GenericOperation {
return normalize(this->op(pixel));
virtual intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) = 0;
static PixelOp* fromString(QString op, QString expr);
static PixelOp* fromString(const QString& op, const QString& expr);
struct DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixelOp(double value_ = 0) : value(value_) {}
explicit DoublePixelOp(double value_ = 0) : value(value_) {}
virtual double operator()(double pixel) {
return this->op(pixel);
virtual double op(double pixel) = 0;
static DoublePixelOp* fromString(QString op, QString expr);
static DoublePixelOp* fromString(const QString& op, const QString& expr);
double value;
Pixel Identical Operation
struct PixIdent : PixelOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return pixel; }
struct DoublePixIdent : DoublePixelOp {
double op(double pixel) { return pixel; }
double op(double pixel) override { return pixel; }
template<typename T>
struct PixOp_t : public PixelOp {
PixOp_t(T value_) : value(value_) {}
explicit PixOp_t(T value_) : value(value_) {}
T value;
......@@ -92,106 +92,107 @@ class PointOp : public GenericOperation {
/*Subtraction and division are based on addition and multiplication, by processing the operand.*/
struct PixAdd : PixOp_t<int> {
PixAdd(int value_) : PixOp_t<int>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel + value; }
explicit PixAdd(int value_) : PixOp_t<int>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return pixel + value; }
struct DoublePixAdd : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixAdd(double value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return pixel + value; }
explicit DoublePixAdd(double value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return pixel + value; }
struct PixMul : PixOp_t<double> {
PixMul(double value_) : PixOp_t<double>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel * value + 0.5; }
explicit PixMul(double value_) : PixOp_t<double>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return (intmax_t)(lround(pixel * value)); }
struct DoublePixMul : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixMul(double value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return pixel * value; }
explicit DoublePixMul(double value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return pixel * value; }
Pixel AND
struct PixBitwiseAnd : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixBitwiseAnd(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel & value; }
explicit PixBitwiseAnd(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return pixel & value; }
/*Return zero only if any of operands is zero*/
struct PixLogicalAnd : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixLogicalAnd(int value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return (pixel==0 or value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
explicit PixLogicalAnd(int value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return (pixel==0 or value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
struct DoublePixLogicalAnd : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixLogicalAnd(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return (pixel==0 or value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
explicit DoublePixLogicalAnd(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return (pixel==0 or value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
Pixel NOT
/*Logical flipping takes the complementary value to 255*/
struct PixLogicalNot : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixLogicalNot(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return 255 - pixel; }
explicit PixLogicalNot(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return 255 - pixel; }
struct DoublePixLogicalNot : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixLogicalNot(double value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return 255. - pixel; }
explicit DoublePixLogicalNot(double value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return 255. - pixel; }
Pixel OR
struct PixBitwiseOr : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixBitwiseOr(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel | value; }
explicit PixBitwiseOr(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return pixel | value; }
/*Return zero only if the operands are both zero*/
struct PixLogicalOr : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixLogicalOr(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return (pixel==0 and value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
explicit PixLogicalOr(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return (pixel==0 and value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
struct DoublePixLogicalOr : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixLogicalOr(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return (pixel==0 and value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
explicit DoublePixLogicalOr(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return (pixel==0 and value==0) ? 0 : pixel; }
Pixel XOR
struct PixBitwiseXor : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixBitwiseXor(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel ^ value; }
explicit PixBitwiseXor(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override {return pixel ^ value; }
/*Return zero only if the operands have the same value*/
struct PixLogicalXor : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixLogicalXor(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return (pixel==value) ? 0 : pixel; }
explicit PixLogicalXor(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return (pixel==value) ? 0 : pixel; }
struct DoublePixLogicalXor : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixLogicalXor(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return (pixel==value) ? 0 : pixel; }
explicit DoublePixLogicalXor(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return (pixel==value) ? 0 : pixel; }
Pixel Shifting
struct PixLshift : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixLshift(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel << value; }
explicit PixLshift(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return pixel << value; }
struct PixRshift : PixOp_t<depth_t> {
PixRshift(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) { return pixel >> value; }
explicit PixRshift(depth_t value_) : PixOp_t<depth_t>(value_) {}
intmax_t op(depth_t pixel) override { return pixel >> value; }
/*Used to handle the case where the input image is on uchar but the expected output is double
* When the input image is already on double, the option of pixel shifting will not appear*/
struct DoublePixLshift : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixLshift(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return (int)pixel << (int)value; }
explicit DoublePixLshift(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return (int)pixel << (int)value; }
struct DoublePixRshift : DoublePixelOp {
DoublePixRshift(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) { return (int)pixel >> (int)value; }
explicit DoublePixRshift(int value_) : DoublePixelOp(value_) {}
double op(double pixel) override { return (int)pixel >> (int)value; }
Image Operation Templates
......@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ class PointOp : public GenericOperation {
return normalize(this->op(pixel1, pixel2));
virtual intmax_t op(depth_t pixel1, depth_t pixel2) = 0;
static ImageOp* fromString(QString op);
static ImageOp* fromString(const QString& op);
struct DoubleImageOp {
......@@ -209,90 +210,90 @@ class PointOp : public GenericOperation {
return this->op(pixel1, pixel2);
virtual double op(double pixel1, double pixel2) = 0;
static DoubleImageOp* fromString(QString op);
static DoubleImageOp* fromString(const QString& op);
Image Identical Operations
struct ImgIdent : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1; }
struct DoubleImgIdent : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return pix1; }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return pix1; }
Image Arithmetic Operations
struct ImgAdd : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 + pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 + pix2; }
struct DoubleImgAdd : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return pix1 + pix2; }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return pix1 + pix2; }
struct ImgSub : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 - pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 - pix2; }
struct DoubleImgSub : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return pix1 - pix2; }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return pix1 - pix2; }
struct ImgMul : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 * pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 * pix2; }
struct DoubleImgMul : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return pix1 * pix2; }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return pix1 * pix2; }
struct ImgDiv : ImageOp {
/*Si division par 0, renvoie 255*/
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { if(pix2 != 0) {return pix1/pix2;} else {return 255;}}
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { if(pix2 != 0) {return pix1/pix2;} else {return 255;}}
struct DoubleImgDiv : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return pix1 / pix2; }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return pix1 / pix2; }
Image AND
struct ImgBitwiseAnd : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 & pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 & pix2; }
struct ImgLogicalAnd : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 && pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 && pix2; }
struct DoubleImgLogicalAnd : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return pix1 && pix2; }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return pix1 && pix2; }
Image OR
struct ImgBitwiseOr : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 | pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 | pix2; }
struct ImgLogicalOr : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 || pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 || pix2; }
struct DoubleImgLogicalOr : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return pix1 || pix2; }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return pix1 || pix2; }
Image XOR
struct ImgBitwiseXor : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return pix1 ^ pix2; }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return pix1 ^ pix2; }
struct ImgLogicalXor : ImageOp {
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) { return (pix1&&(!pix2)) || ((!pix1)&&pix2); }
intmax_t op(depth_t pix1, depth_t pix2) override { return (pix1&&(!pix2)) || ((!pix1)&&pix2); }
struct DoubleImgLogicalXor : DoubleImageOp {
double op(double pix1, double pix2) { return (pix1&&(!pix2)) || ((!pix1)&&pix2); }
double op(double pix1, double pix2) override { return (pix1&&(!pix2)) || ((!pix1)&&pix2); }
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