QuantificationOp.cpp 7.33 KiB
* Copyright 2011-2012 INSA Rennes
* This file is part of ImageINSA.
* ImageINSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* ImageINSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with ImageINSA. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "QuantificationOp.h"
#include "../Tools.h"
#include <Converter.h>
#include "QuantificationDialog.h"
#include <QApplication>
using namespace std;
using namespace imagein;
using namespace genericinterface;
QuantificationOp::QuantificationOp() : Operation(qApp->translate("Operations", "Quantification").toStdString())
bool QuantificationOp::needCurrentImg() const {
return false;
string QuantificationOp::quantificationOpLog(unsigned int c, Quantification * quant){
char buffer[30];
string output_msg;
int val;
sprintf(buffer, "\nCanal %d : \n", c);
output_msg += buffer;
output_msg += " Valeurs : ";
for(int i = 0; i < quant->nbValues(); ++i) {
val =(int)quant->value(i);
if(i != 0) output_msg += " | ";
sprintf(buffer, "%d ", val);
output_msg += buffer;
if(val < 10) output_msg += " ";
if(val < 100 ) output_msg += " ";
output_msg += "\n";
output_msg += " Seuils : ";
for(int i = 0; i < quant->nbThresholds(); ++i) {
val =(int)quant->threshold(i);
if(i != 0) output_msg += " | ";
sprintf(buffer, "%d ", val);
output_msg += buffer;
if(val < 10) output_msg += " ";
if(val < 100 ) output_msg += " ";
output_msg += "\n";
return output_msg;
string checkOptimumQuantizier(const imagein::Image* image, Quantification * quant, unsigned int c){
float baricenter;
float valueCenter;
float centroid = 0.0;
float neighbor = 0.0;
int som_lum = 0;
int nb_points = 0;
char buffer[100];
Histogram hist = image->getHistogram(c);
for (int j=1; j<quant->nbThresholds();j++){
som_lum = 0;
nb_points = 0;
//Calcul des baricentres entre deux seuils
for(int i= quant->threshold(j-1); i <= quant->threshold(j); i++){
som_lum += hist[i]*i;
nb_points += hist[i];
if(nb_points != 0) baricenter = som_lum/nb_points;
else baricenter = ( quant->threshold(j) + quant->threshold(j-1) )/2;
centroid += abs( baricenter - quant->value(j) ) /( quant->threshold(j) - quant->threshold(j-1) ) * 100;
//cas spécial
if( quant->nbValues() == 2){
som_lum = 0;
nb_points = 0;
for(int i= 0; i <= quant->threshold(0); i++){
som_lum += hist[i]*i;
nb_points += hist[i];
if(nb_points != 0) baricenter = som_lum/nb_points;
else baricenter = (quant->threshold(0))/2;;
centroid = abs( baricenter - quant->value(0) ) /( quant->threshold(0) ) * 100;
som_lum = 0;
nb_points = 0;
for(int i= quant->threshold(0); i <= 255 ; i++){
som_lum += hist[i]*i;
nb_points += hist[i];
if(nb_points != 0) baricenter = som_lum/nb_points;
else baricenter = 255 - quant->threshold(0)/2;
centroid += abs( baricenter - quant->value(1) ) / ( 255 - quant->threshold(0) ) * 100;
for(int i = 0; i<quant->nbThresholds(); i++){
valueCenter = ( quant->value(i) + quant->value(i+1) ) / 2 ;
neighbor += abs( valueCenter - quant->threshold(i) ) / ( quant->value(i) - quant->value(i+1) ) * 100;
neighbor = neighbor / quant->nbThresholds();
if( quant->nbValues() == 2) centroid = centroid / 2;
else centroid = centroid / ( quant->nbThresholds() - 1 );
sprintf(buffer, "Canal : %d Centroïd : %.2f % Plus proche voisin : %.2f %\n", c, (100-centroid), (100-neighbor));
return buffer;
void QuantificationOp::operator()(const imagein::Image* image, const std::map<const imagein::Image*, std::string>& imgList) {
string quantType;
string output_msg = "";
string optiQuant;
bool checkOptiQuant;
QuantificationDialog* dialog;
if(image != NULL) {
QString imgName = QString::fromStdString(imgList.find(image)->second);
dialog = new QuantificationDialog(QApplication::activeWindow(), imgName);
else {
dialog = new QuantificationDialog(QApplication::activeWindow());
QDialog::DialogCode code = static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(dialog->exec());
if(code!=QDialog::Accepted) return;
if(image != NULL) {
Image* resImg = new Image(image->getWidth(), image->getHeight(), image->getNbChannels());
for(unsigned int c = 0; c < image->getNbChannels(); ++c) {
Quantification quantification = dialog->getQuantif(image, c, quantType, &checkOptiQuant);
//Generate the text to print in the information window
output_msg += quantificationOpLog(c, &quantification);
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < image->getHeight(); ++j) {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < image->getWidth(); ++i) {
const Image::depth_t value = image->getPixelAt(i, j, c);
resImg->setPixelAt(i, j, c, quantification.valueOf(value));
optiQuant += checkOptimumQuantizier(image, &quantification, c);
outText("Respect des proprietes du quantificateur optimal : ");
QString windowName;
QString imgName;
if(quantType=="Quantification non lineaire a valeurs centrees :")
windowName = QString(qApp->translate("QuantificationOp","Quantification non lineaire a valeur centree"));
else if(quantType=="Quantification non lineaire a valeurs moyennes : ")
windowName = QString(qApp->translate("QuantificationOp","Quantification non lineaire a moyennes"));
else if(quantType=="Quantification personnalisee :")
windowName = QString(qApp->translate("QuantificationOp","Quantification personnalisee"));
else if(quantType=="Quantification LloydMax :")
windowName = QString(qApp->translate("QuantificationOp","Quantification LloydMax"));
else windowName = QString(qApp->translate("QuantificationOp","Quantification lineaire a valeurs centrees"));
imgName = QString::fromStdString(imgList.find(image)->second);
imgName.append(" - ");
imgName = QString("");
outImage(resImg, imgName.toStdString() + windowName.toStdString());