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Commit d3846385 authored by Milot Quentin's avatar Milot Quentin
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parents fb3a65ff 0cb3984c
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......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ architecture archDialogueCPU of DialogueCPU is
sortie <= '0' when (WR = '1') and (RD = '0') and (A0 = '0') and ((D_RW = Least) or (D_RW = Most) or (D_RW = LeastMost)) else '1';
--sortie <= '0' when (WR = '1') and (RD = '0') and ( ((A0 = '1') and ((D_RW = Least) or (D_RW = Most) or (D_RW = LeastMost))) or (A0 = '0') ) else '1';
--sortie <= '0' when (WR = '1') and (RD = '0') and (A0 = '0') and ((D_RW = Least) or (D_RW = Most) or (D_RW = LeastMost)) else '1';
sortie <= '0' when (WR = '1') and (RD = '0') and ( ((A0 = '1') and ((D_RW = Least) or (D_RW = Most) or (D_RW = LeastMost))) or (A0 = '0') ) else '1';
ReceptData : process(CS)
......@@ -129,13 +129,9 @@ architecture archImplantation of DialogueCPU is
signal EtatW_q, EtatR_q : state := L;
signal EtatW, EtatR : state;
signal ctrlWord : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;
signal ctrlWord : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"00";
alias RW_op : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is ctrlWord(5 downto 4);
alias D_RW : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is D(5 downto 4);
alias d_buf_inMSB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is d_buf_in(15 downto 8);
alias d_buf_inLSB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is d_buf_in( 7 downto 0);
alias d_buf_outMSB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is d_buf_out(15 downto 8);
alias d_buf_outLSB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is d_buf_out( 7 downto 0);
......@@ -144,7 +140,7 @@ architecture archImplantation of DialogueCPU is
constant Most : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10";
constant LeastMost : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "11";
constant inputVectWidth : integer := 29;
constant inputVectWidth : integer := 46;
generic(width : integer := inputVectWidth);
......@@ -156,28 +152,101 @@ architecture archImplantation of DialogueCPU is
signal inputVect : std_logic_vector((inputVectWidth-1) downto 0) ;
signal outputVect : std_logic_vector((inputVectWidth-1) downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
signal latch_d_temp : std_logic;
signal d_buf_in_temp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ;
alias D_q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is outputVect(7 downto 0);
alias D_RW_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is outputVect(5 downto 4) ;
alias RD_q : std_logic is outputVect(8) ;
alias WR_q : std_logic is outputVect(9) ;
alias A0_q : std_logic is outputVect(10) ;
alias d_buf_q : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) is outputVect(26 downto 11) ;
alias RW_op_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is outputVect(28 downto 27) ;
alias latch_d_q : std_logic is outputVect(29);
alias d_buf_inLSB_q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is outputVect(37 downto 30) ;
alias d_buf_inMSB_q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is outputVect(45 downto 38) ;
alias d_buf_in_tempLSB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is d_buf_in_temp( 7 downto 0);
alias d_buf_in_tempMSB : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is d_buf_in_temp(15 downto 8);
alias D_q : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is inputVect(7 downto 0) ;
alias RD_q : std_logic is inputVect(8);
alias WR_q : std_logic is inputVect(9);
alias A0_q : std_logic is inputVect(10);
alias d_buf_q : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) is inputVect(26 downto 11) ;
alias RW_op_q : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is inputVect(28 downto 27) ;
-- avoid using a buffer in the declaration of the entity
latch_d <= latch_d_temp;
d_buf_in <= d_buf_in_temp;
-- signals required to set the output signal of the entity stored in the same vector (whitout EtatW annd EtatR because there aren't std_logic)
inputVect <= (d_buf_in_temp & latch_d_temp & RW_op & d_buf_out & A0 & WR & RD & D) ;
inputVect <= ( RW_op & d_buf_out & A0 & WR & RD & D) ;
bascule_D_CS : DFFEXb
PORT MAP(CS, inputVect, outputVect);
-- dedicated DFF to store EtatR and EtatW
DFF_Etats_W_R : process( CS )
if rising_edge(CS) then
EtatW_q <= EtatW_q;
EtatR_q <= EtatR_q;
EtatW_q <= EtatW;
EtatR_q <= EtatR;
end if ;
end process ; -- DFF_Etats_W_R
-- output functions
-- '0' force the output of the timer to 0, '1' allow the counter to modify the output of the timer
Sortie <= '0' when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (
((A0_q = '1') and (not(D_RW_q=Latch))) --Receive controle word without counter latch command
or (A0_q = '0') --Load data in the counter
else '1';
-- '0' = false, '1' = true
charg_d <= '1' when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '0') and ( -- test if instruction is a load of counter
((EtatW_q = L) and (RW_op_q = Least)) -- if instruction load only lsb bytes
or ((EtatW_q = M) and ((RW_op_q = Most) or (RW_op_q = LeastMost))) -- if instruction load only msb bytes or all bytes (and reading MSB bytes)
else '0';
latch_d_temp <= '1'
when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '1') and (D_RW_q=Latch)) -- if instruction is writing a control world
else '0' when (((WR_q='0') and (RD_q='1') and (A0_q = '0') and ( -- test if instruction is a read of counter
((EtatW_q = L) and (RW_op_q = Least)) -- if instruction readonly lsb bytes
or ((EtatW_q = M) and ((RW_op_q = Most) or (RW_op_q = LeastMost))) -- if instruction readonly msb bytes or all bytes (and reading MSB bytes)
or ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '1') and (not(D_RW_q=Latch))) -- if instruction is writing a control world without latch as RW command
else latch_d_q; -- keep the previous value of latch
RW_op <= D_RW_q when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '1') and (not(D_RW_q=Latch))) -- if instruction is writing a control world without latch as RW command
else RW_op_q; -- keep the previous value of RW_op
d_buf_in_tempLSB <= D_q when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = L)) -- transfer of the LSB from D to d_buf_in(7 downto 0)
else "00000000" when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = M) and (RW_op_q = Most)) -- if we only load the MSB force x"00" to d_buf_in(7 downto 0)
else d_buf_inLSB_q; -- keep the previous value of the variable
d_buf_in_tempMSB <= D_q when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = M)) -- transfer of the MSB from D to d_buf_in(15 downto 8)
else "00000000" when ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = L) and (RW_op_q = Least)) -- if we only load the MSB force x"00" to d_buf_in(15 downto 8)
else d_buf_inMSB_q; -- keep the previous value of the variable
-- the CPU maintain (WR='0') and (RD='1') to keep value of dbuf_out on D if the CPU prepare an other instruction dialogue CPU set D as HiZ so the CPU can write on it
D <= d_buf_outLSB when ((WR_q='0') and (RD_q='1') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = L) and (WR='0') and (RD='1')) -- transfer of the LSB from d_buf_out( 7 downto 0) to D
else d_buf_outMSB when ((WR_q='0') and (RD_q='1') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = M) and (WR='0') and (RD='1')) -- transfer of the MSB from d_buf_out(15 downto 8) to D
else "ZZZZZZZZ"; -- other instruction does not impact the bus
EtatW <= M when (((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = L) and (RW_op_q = LeastMost)) -- if loading in leastMost mode and EtatW_q = L
or ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '1') and (D_RW_q = Most))) -- if writing control word D_RW and mode is leastMost or Least
else L when (((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = M) and (RW_op_q = LeastMost)) -- if loading in leastMost mode and EtatW_q = M
or ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '1') and ((D_RW_q = LeastMost) or (D_RW_q = Least)))) -- if writing control word D_RW and mode is Most
else EtatW_q; -- keep previous value
EtatR <= M when (((WR_q='0') and (RD_q='1') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = L) and (RW_op_q = LeastMost)) -- if reading in leastMost mode and EtatW_q = L
or ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '1') and (D_RW_q = Most))) -- if writing control word D_RW and mode is leastMost or Least
else L when (((WR_q='0') and (RD_q='1') and (A0_q = '0') and (EtatW_q = M) and (RW_op_q = LeastMost)) -- if reading in leastMost mode and EtatW_q = M
or ((WR_q='1') and (RD_q='0') and (A0_q = '1') and ((D_RW_q = LeastMost) or (D_RW_q = Least)))) -- if writing control word D_RW and mode is Most
else EtatR_q; -- keep previous value
end archImplantation ; -- archImplantation
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ end Reg16b ;
architecture archReg16b of Reg16b is
Reg : process( clk, ena)
......@@ -23,3 +22,18 @@ begin
end process ; -- Reg
end architecture ; -- archReg16b
architecture archLatch16b of Reg16b is
Q <= Din when (ena = '1');
-- latch : process(clk, )
-- begin
-- if ena = '1' then
-- end if ;
-- end process ; -- latch
end archLatch16b ; -- archLatch16b
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ proc wave_cfg { } {
#> main cmd: add wave signal-name
restart all
restart -nowave all
......@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ proc wave_cfg { } {
add wave -label " clk " test_timer/clk
add wave -divider " | Cmd CPU | "
add wave -label " A0 " test_timer/A0
add wave -label " WR " test_timer/WR
add wave -label " RD " test_timer/RD
add wave -label " A0 " test_timer/A0
add wave -label " Gate " test_timer/Gate
add wave -divider " | Controle World | "
......@@ -102,6 +102,24 @@ proc wave_cfg { } {
add wave -label " Latch " test_timer/timer/latch_d
add wave -divider " | Sortie registre Dialogue CPU | "
add wave -label " WR_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/WR_q
add wave -label " RD_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/RD_q
add wave -label " A0_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/A0_q
add wave -divider " | Bus sauvegardés | "
add wave -hex -label " d_buf_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/d_buf_q
add wave -label " D_RW_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/D_RW_q
add wave -divider " | input internes Dialogue CPU | "
add wave -label " EtatW_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/EtatW_q
add wave -label " EtatR_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/EtatR_q
add wave -label " RW_op_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/RW_op_q
add wave -label " latch_d_q " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/latch_d_q
add wave -label " latch_d_temp " test_timer/timer/D_CPU/latch_d_temp
# signal assignments
......@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ ARCHITECTURE archTestTimer OF Test_timer IS
signal clk, RD, WR, A0, CS, gate, sortie : std_logic;
signal D : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;
signal clk, RD, WR, A0, CS, gate, sortie : std_logic := '0';
signal D : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "ZZZZZZZZ";
......@@ -27,13 +27,14 @@ BEGIN
timer : Timer8254
PORT MAP(clk, RD, WR, A0, CS, gate ,sortie, D);
A0 <= '1', '0' after 100 ns, '1' after 900 ns, '0' after 1000 ns ;
WR <= '1'; --, '1' after 100 ns, '1' after 900 ns, '1' after 1000 ns ;
RD <= '0';
CS <= '0', '1' after 50 ns, '0' after 100 ns, '1' after 150 ns, '0' after 200 ns, '1' after 250 ns, '0' after 900 ns, '1' after 950 ns, '0' after 1000 ns, '1' after 1050 ns;
WR <= '1' , '0' after 1600 ns, '1' after 2000 ns; --, '1' after 100 ns, '1' after 900 ns, '1' after 1000 ns ;
RD <= '0' , '1' after 1600 ns, '0' after 2000 ns;
A0 <= '1', '0' after 100 ns, '1' after 900 ns, '0' after 1000 ns, '1' after 1500 ns, '0' after 1600 ns, '1' after 2000 ns;
CS <= '0', '1' after 50 ns, '0' after 100 ns, '1' after 150 ns, '0' after 200 ns, '1' after 250 ns, '0' after 900 ns, '1' after 950 ns, '0' after 1000 ns, '1' after 1050 ns, '0' after 1100 ns, '1' after 1550 ns, '0' after 1600 ns, '1' after 1650 ns, '0' after 1700 ns, '1' after 2050 ns, '0' after 2100 ns;
gate <= '1' after 275 ns;
-- D <= x"7C", x"06" after 100 ns, x"00" after 200 ns, "ZZZZZZZZ" after 285 ns;
D <= x"1C", x"06" after 100 ns, "ZZZZZZZZ" after 200 ns, x"2C" after 900 ns, x"01" after 1000 ns, "ZZZZZZZZ" after 1100 ns;
D <= x"1C", x"06" after 100 ns, "ZZZZZZZZ" after 200 ns, x"2C" after 900 ns, x"01" after 1000 ns, "ZZZZZZZZ" after 1100 ns, x"1C" after 1500 ns, "ZZZZZZZZ" after 1600 ns, x"05" after 2000 ns;
clock : process
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ architecture archTimer of Timer8254 is
signal d_buf_out, d_buf_in, count_val: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal charg_d_dcpu, charg_d, latch_d, Reset_ask, out_cpt, out_DCPU: std_logic;
signal charg_d_dcpu, charg_d, latch_d, Reset_ask, out_cpt, out_DCPU, ena : std_logic;
component Decompt_Mode_0 IS
GENERIC (width : integer := 16);
......@@ -55,17 +55,20 @@ architecture archTimer of Timer8254 is
D_CPU : entity work.DialogueCPU(archDialogueCPU)
D_CPU : entity work.DialogueCPU(archImplantation)
PORT MAP(RD, WR, A0, CS, out_DCPU, D, d_buf_out, d_buf_in, charg_d_dcpu, latch_d);
CptM0 : Decompt_Mode_0
PORT MAP(clk,gate, charg_d, CS, d_buf_in, count_val, out_cpt, Reset_ask);
charg_d <= (charg_d_dcpu and (not Reset_ask));
Latch : Reg16b
PORT MAP(clk, latch_d, count_val, d_buf_out);
ena <= not latch_d;
Latch : entity work.Reg16b(archReg16b)
PORT MAP(CS, ena, count_val, d_buf_out);
Sortie <= ((out_DCPU or Reset_Ask) and out_cpt);
-- output of the timer is force to 0 if out_DCPU = 0 and Reset_Ask = 0
-- <=> the timer is configured (write of control word or load constant in timer) AND no load is pending
-- A load is in pending when the counter is waiting for a rising edge to set a new value
Sortie <= (out_DCPU and out_cpt);
end architecture ; -- archTimer
\ No newline at end of file
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