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  • francesco-bariatti/pingouins
  • Samuel.Felton/pingouins
  • Lucas.Clement/pingouins
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#Latex generated files
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......@@ -5,35 +5,63 @@ using namespace std;
namespace game
* Creates the game: load the state from standard input.
* Penguins in state can be composed of just their position: the moves will be updated automatically.
//Update moves on all penguins
uint64_t obstacles = (~(state.one_fish | state.two_fish | state.three_fish));
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p1_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p2_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p3_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p4_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p1_blue & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p2_blue & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p3_blue & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p4_blue & 63);
cout << "Enter penguin game state as JSON on one line" << endl;
string line;
getline(cin, line);
json json_state = json::parse(line);
//Charging every element of the state if it exists
if(json_state["bitboards"].count("onefish")) {state.one_fish = json_state["bitboards"]["onefish"];}
if(json_state["bitboards"].count("twofish")) {state.two_fish = json_state["bitboards"]["twofish"];}
if(json_state["bitboards"].count("threefish")) {state.three_fish = json_state["bitboards"]["threefish"];}
state.current_player_red = json_state["current_player"] == "Red" ? true : false;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
state.peng_red[i] = json_state["penguins"]["red"][i];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
state.peng_blue[i] = json_state["penguins"]["blue"][i];
if(json_state["score"].count("red")) { state.score_red = json_state["score"]["red"]; }
if(json_state["score"].count("blue")) { state.score_blue = json_state["score"]["blue"]; }
// We compute the moves for all penguin
uint64_t obstacles = create_obstacles_bitboard();
state.nb_moves_red = 0;
state.nb_moves_blue = 0;
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p1_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p2_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p3_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p4_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p1_blue, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p2_blue, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p3_blue, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p4_blue, obstacles);
//Change player if the other one can play
if(state.current_player_red && state.nb_moves_blue > 0)
state.current_player_red = false;
else if(state.current_player_red == false && state.nb_moves_red > 0)
state.current_player_red = true;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
state.nb_moves_red += update_penguin_moves(&state.peng_red[i], obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_penguin_moves(&state.peng_blue[i], obstacles);
if (state.nb_moves_red == 0)
state.canPlay_red = false;
state.nb_moves_red = 1; //We create an artificial move so that the mcts works
if (state.nb_moves_blue == 0)
state.canPlay_blue = false;
state.nb_moves_blue = 1; //We create an artificial move so that the mcts works
shared_ptr<game<penguin_state>> penguin::do_copy() const
......@@ -53,7 +81,7 @@ namespace game
bool penguin::end_of_game() const
return state.nb_moves_red == 0 && state.nb_moves_blue == 0;
return state.canPlay_red == false && state.canPlay_blue == false;
bool penguin::won(std::uint8_t player) const
......@@ -94,140 +122,81 @@ namespace game
return state.current_player_red ? state.nb_moves_red : state.nb_moves_blue;
/* The penguin that will move if we want to play the #move_number move in the list of possible moves.
* What this function does:
* Find the penguin that will move.
* Change its total number of moves so that it is relative to that penguin's possible moves and not relative to ALL the penguins' moves.
* Return a pointer to that penguin
* */
uint32_t* penguin::penguin_that_moves(uint16_t move_number)
Moves the penguin p (modify its position value), making it do its rel_move move.
At the end of the function the penguin will be composed of just its new position (every other bit is at 0)
void penguin::move_penguin(uint32_t* p, uint16_t rel_move)
if(((state.p1_red >> 6) & 63) > move_number)
uint32_t* p = &state.p1_red;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
move_number -= (state.p1_red >> 6) & 63;
if(((state.p2_red >> 6) & 63) > move_number)
uint32_t* p = &state.p2_red;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
move_number -= (state.p2_red >> 6) & 63;
if(((state.p3_red >> 6) & 63) > move_number)
uint32_t* p = &state.p3_red;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
move_number -= (state.p3_red >> 6) & 63;
uint32_t* p = &state.p4_red;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
if(((state.p1_blue >> 6) & 63) > move_number)
uint32_t* p = &state.p1_blue;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
move_number -= (state.p1_blue >> 6) & 63;
if(((state.p2_blue >> 6) & 63) > move_number)
uint32_t* p = &state.p2_blue;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
move_number -= (state.p2_blue >> 6) & 63;
if(((state.p3_blue >> 6) & 63) > move_number)
uint32_t* p = &state.p3_blue;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
move_number -= (state.p3_blue >> 6) & 63;
uint32_t* p = &state.p4_blue;
(*p) = (*p) & 0xFFFFF03F; //Reset move number for the penguin to 0
(*p) = (*p) | ((uint32_t) move_number) << 6;
return p;
void penguin::move_penguin(uint32_t* p)
uint8_t move_number = ((*p) >> 6) & 63; //Move number for the current penguin
uint32_t penguin_copy = (*p) >> 12;
//Direction A
if((penguin_copy & 7) >= move_number)
if(PENGUIN_MOVES_A(*p) > rel_move) //If the penguin total moves in this direction are greater than the move we want to do for it (not equal because moves start at 0)
//Move direction A
(*p) = (7 * move_number +1) + ((*p) & 63);
(*p) = (7 * (rel_move +1)) + ((*p) & 63);
move_number -= penguin_copy & 7;
penguin_copy = penguin_copy >> 3;
if((penguin_copy & 7) >= move_number)
rel_move -= PENGUIN_MOVES_A(*p);
if(PENGUIN_MOVES_B(*p) > rel_move)
//Move direction B
(*p) = (-1 * move_number +1) + ((*p) & 63);
(*p) = (-1 * (rel_move +1)) + ((*p) & 63);
move_number -= penguin_copy & 7;
penguin_copy = penguin_copy >> 3;
if((penguin_copy & 7) >= move_number)
rel_move -= PENGUIN_MOVES_B(*p);
if(PENGUIN_MOVES_C(*p) > rel_move)
//Move direction C
(*p) = (-8 * move_number +1) + ((*p) & 63);
(*p) = (-8 * (rel_move +1)) + ((*p) & 63);
move_number -= penguin_copy & 7;
penguin_copy = penguin_copy >> 3;
if((penguin_copy & 7) >= move_number)
rel_move -= PENGUIN_MOVES_C(*p);
if(PENGUIN_MOVES_D(*p) > rel_move)
//Move direction D
(*p) = (-7 * move_number +1) + ((*p) & 63);
(*p) = (-7 * (rel_move +1)) + ((*p) & 63);
move_number -= penguin_copy & 7;
penguin_copy = penguin_copy >> 3;
if((penguin_copy & 7) >= move_number)
rel_move -= PENGUIN_MOVES_D(*p);
if(PENGUIN_MOVES_E(*p) > rel_move)
//Move direction E
(*p) = (1 * move_number +1) + ((*p) & 63);
(*p) = (1 * (rel_move +1)) + ((*p) & 63);
move_number -= penguin_copy & 7;
penguin_copy = penguin_copy >> 3;
rel_move -= PENGUIN_MOVES_E(*p);
//Move direction F
(*p) = (8 * move_number +1) + ((*p) & 63);
(*p) = (8 * (rel_move +1)) + ((*p) & 63);
int penguin::update_moves(uint32_t* p, uint64_t obstacles)
/* Create bitboard of obstacles: 1 if there is an obstacle, 0 if the penguin can
move freely on the tile
uint64_t penguin::create_obstacles_bitboard()
#define IsFree(i) (((obstacles >> (i)) & 1) == 0)
int pos = (*p) & 63;
uint64_t obstacles = (~(state.one_fish | state.two_fish | state.three_fish));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << PENGUIN_POS(state.peng_red[i]);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << PENGUIN_POS(state.peng_blue[i]);
return obstacles;
/* Updates the moves of a signle penguin.
This computes the moves in every direction according to the penguin position and the obstacles.
- p: a penguin that will be updated. Only his position is used and the rest is computed
- obstacles: a bitboard of obstacles: 1 means an obstacle in that tile
Total moves of this penguin.
int penguin::update_penguin_moves(uint32_t* p, uint64_t obstacles)
#define IsFree(i) (((obstacles >> (i)) & 1) == 0)
int pos = PENGUIN_POS(*p);
(*p) = pos; //Reset the penguin to all zeros except the position
int i = pos;
uint32_t nbmoves = 0;
uint32_t nbmoves = 0; //Nb of moves in one direction
uint32_t total_moves = 0;
//Direction A
......@@ -249,7 +218,7 @@ namespace game
//Direction C
nbmoves = 0;
i = pos;
while((i-8 > 0) && (i%15 != 0) && IsFree(i-8))
while((i-8 >= 0) && (i%15 != 0) && IsFree(i-8))
i -= 8;
nbmoves++; total_moves++;
......@@ -290,75 +259,104 @@ namespace game
//Play the mth move in the possible moves list.
void penguin::play(uint16_t m)
//Find which penguin will move
uint32_t* p = penguin_that_moves(m);
uint8_t position = (*p) & 63;
//Find the value of the tile the penguin is on and update score
if ((state.one_fish >> position) & 1)
if(current_player() == RED)
state.score_red += 1;
state.score_blue += 1;
//We replace this tile with an empty one (0 in the bitboard)
state.one_fish = state.one_fish & ~(((uint64_t) 1) << position);
else if ((state.two_fish >> position) & 1)
// We check if we can effectively play: if yes, the move is parsed and player, otherwise we do nothing (the move can be whatever, we won't look at it, so the player actually skip the turn)
if ((state.current_player_red == true && state.canPlay_red) || ((state.current_player_red == false) && state.canPlay_blue))
uint32_t* peng; // The penguin that will move
uint16_t rel_move = m; // Move number relative to this penguin
int i = 0;
/* We search for the first penguin that can make the move. If a penguin can't, we will decrese the move number
by the number of moves that he can do */
for(i = 0; (i < 3) && (PENGUIN_TOT_MOVES(state.peng_red[i]) <= rel_move); i ++) //While we didn't find the penguin
rel_move -= PENGUIN_TOT_MOVES(state.peng_red[i]);
// Now i is the number of the penguin that will move and rel_move is the move relative to this penguin (because we decreased it)
peng = &state.peng_red[i];
else //If blue
for(i = 0; (i < 3) && (PENGUIN_TOT_MOVES(state.peng_blue[i]) <= rel_move); i ++) //While we didn't find the penguin
rel_move -= PENGUIN_TOT_MOVES(state.peng_blue[i]);
peng = &state.peng_blue[i];
if(current_player() == RED)
state.score_red += 2;
state.score_blue += 2;
//We replace this tile with an empty one (0 in the bitboard)
state.two_fish = state.two_fish & ~(((uint64_t) 1) << position);
if(current_player() == RED)
state.score_red += 3;
if((state.one_fish >> PENGUIN_POS(*peng)) & 1) //If there is a one fish on this position
state.score_red += 1;
state.score_blue += 1;
//We replace this tile with an empty one (0 in the bitboard)
state.one_fish = state.one_fish & ~(((uint64_t) 1) << PENGUIN_POS(*peng));
else if((state.two_fish >> PENGUIN_POS(*peng)) & 1)
state.score_red += 2;
state.score_blue += 2;
//We replace this tile with an empty one (0 in the bitboard)
state.two_fish = state.two_fish & ~(((uint64_t) 1) << PENGUIN_POS(*peng));
state.score_blue += 3;
//We replace this tile with an empty one (0 in the bitboard)
state.three_fish = state.three_fish & ~(((uint64_t) 1) << position);
//Move the current penguin
cout << "Penguin p :" << *p << endl;
//Update moves on all penguins
uint64_t obstacles = (~(state.one_fish | state.two_fish | state.three_fish));
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p1_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p2_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p3_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p4_red & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p1_blue & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p2_blue & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p3_blue & 63);
obstacles |= ((uint64_t) 1) << (state.p4_blue & 63);
state.score_red += 3;
state.score_blue += 3;
//We replace this tile with an empty one (0 in the bitboard)
state.three_fish = state.three_fish & ~(((uint64_t) 1) << PENGUIN_POS(*peng));
cout << obstacles << endl;
move_penguin(peng, rel_move);
// END CAN_WE PLAY. We will now compute the moves for every penguin and for the player.
uint64_t obstacles = create_obstacles_bitboard();
state.nb_moves_red = 0;
state.nb_moves_blue = 0;
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p1_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p2_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p3_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_red += update_moves(&state.p4_red, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p1_blue, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p2_blue, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p3_blue, obstacles);
state.nb_moves_blue += update_moves(&state.p4_blue, obstacles);
//Change player if the other one can play
if(state.current_player_red && state.nb_moves_blue > 0)
if (state.current_player_red) //Red just played
if(state.canPlay_blue) //If blue couldn't play last turn there is no way he could play this new turn
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
state.nb_moves_blue += update_penguin_moves(&state.peng_blue[i], obstacles);
if (state.nb_moves_blue == 0)
state.canPlay_blue = false;
state.nb_moves_blue = 1; //We create an artificial move so that the mcts works
state.nb_moves_blue = 1; //We create an artificial move so that the mcts works
state.current_player_red = false;
else if(state.current_player_red == false && state.nb_moves_red > 0)
else //Blue just played
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
state.nb_moves_red += update_penguin_moves(&state.peng_red[i], obstacles);
if (state.nb_moves_red == 0)
state.canPlay_red = false;
state.nb_moves_red = 1;
state.nb_moves_red = 1;
state.current_player_red = true;
string penguin::player_to_string(uint8_t player) const
......@@ -381,34 +379,31 @@ namespace game
Json::Value penguin::to_JSON() const
json penguin::to_JSON() const
Json::Value json;
json["bitboards"]["onefish"] = state.one_fish;
json["bitboards"]["twofish"] = state.two_fish;
json["bitboards"]["threefish"] = state.three_fish;
json["penguins"]["red"][0] = state.p1_red;
json["penguins"]["red"][1] = state.p2_red;
json["penguins"]["red"][2] = state.p3_red;
json["penguins"]["red"][3] = state.p4_red;
json["penguins"]["blue"][0] = state.p1_blue;
json["penguins"]["blue"][1] = state.p2_blue;
json["penguins"]["blue"][2] = state.p3_blue;
json["penguins"]["blue"][3] = state.p4_blue;
json["score"]["red"] = state.score_red;
json["score"]["blue"] = state.score_blue;
json["possible_moves"]["red"] = state.nb_moves_red;
json["possible_moves"]["blue"] = state.nb_moves_blue;
json["current_player"] = state.current_player_red ? "Red" : "Blue";
json["nb_moves"]["red"] = state.nb_moves_red;
json["nb_moves"]["blue"] = state.nb_moves_blue;
return json;
json json_state;
json_state["bitboards"]["onefish"] = state.one_fish;
json_state["bitboards"]["twofish"] = state.two_fish;
json_state["bitboards"]["threefish"] = state.three_fish;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
json_state["penguins"]["red"][i] = state.peng_red[i];
json_state["penguins"]["blue"][i] = state.peng_blue[i];
json_state["score"]["red"] = state.score_red;
json_state["score"]["blue"] = state.score_blue;
json_state["possible_moves"]["red"] = state.nb_moves_red;
json_state["possible_moves"]["blue"] = state.nb_moves_blue;
json_state["current_player"] = state.current_player_red ? "Red" : "Blue";
json_state["can_play"]["red"] = state.canPlay_red;
json_state["can_play"]["blue"] = state.canPlay_blue;
return json_state;
string penguin::to_string() const
......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
#define __PENGUIN_HPP__
#include "game.hpp"
#include "json.h"
#include "json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
#include <random>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
......@@ -12,29 +13,36 @@ namespace game
struct penguin_state
uint64_t one_fish = 0x7F59398348146BD; //Position of one-fish tiles (bitboard)
uint64_t two_fish = 0x86C628366B102; //Position of two-fish tiles (bitboard)
uint64_t three_fish = 0x802000548180840; //Position of three-fish tiles (bitboard)
uint64_t one_fish = 1152921504606846975; //Position of one-fish tiles (bitboard)
uint64_t two_fish = 0; //Position of two-fish tiles (bitboard)
uint64_t three_fish = 0; //Position of three-fish tiles (bitboard)
uint32_t p1_red = 0;
uint32_t p2_red = 1;
uint32_t p3_red = 8;
uint32_t p4_red = 9;
uint32_t p1_blue = 51;
uint32_t p2_blue = 52;
uint32_t p3_blue = 58;
uint32_t p4_blue = 59;
uint32_t peng_red[4] = {0, 1, 6, 7};
uint32_t peng_blue[4] = {59, 58, 53, 54};
int score_red = 0;
int score_blue = 0;
bool current_player_red = false; //True if red must play now
bool current_player_red = true; //True if red must play now. Red always starts
int nb_moves_red = 0; //Number of moves the red player can play
int nb_moves_blue = 0;
bool canPlay_red = true;
bool canPlay_blue = true;
// Useful macros to get values out of penguins
#define PENGUIN_POS(penguin) ((penguin) & 63)
#define PENGUIN_TOT_MOVES(penguin) (((penguin) >> 6) & 63)
#define PENGUIN_MOVES_A(penguin) (((penguin) >> 12) & 7)
#define PENGUIN_MOVES_B(penguin) (((penguin) >> 15) & 7)
#define PENGUIN_MOVES_C(penguin) (((penguin) >> 18) & 7)
#define PENGUIN_MOVES_D(penguin) (((penguin) >> 21) & 7)
#define PENGUIN_MOVES_E(penguin) (((penguin) >> 24) & 7)
#define PENGUIN_MOVES_F(penguin) (((penguin) >> 27) & 7)
class penguin : public game<penguin_state>
......@@ -52,7 +60,7 @@ namespace game
void undo(std::uint16_t m) {}
std::string player_to_string(std::uint8_t player) const; //String representation of a player
std::string move_to_string(std::uint16_t m) const; //String representation of a move (for example, A1)
Json::Value to_JSON() const;
json to_JSON() const;
std::string to_string() const; //String representation of the entire game
std::set<int> to_input_vector() const;
void from_input_vector(const std::set<int>& input);
......@@ -61,16 +69,16 @@ namespace game
std::shared_ptr<game<penguin_state>> do_copy() const;
std::uint64_t hash(std::uint16_t m) const;
std::uint64_t hash() const;
penguin_state state;
uint32_t* penguin_that_moves(uint16_t move_number);
void move_penguin(uint32_t* p);
int update_moves(uint32_t* p, uint64_t obstacles);
void move_penguin(uint32_t* p, uint16_t rel_move);
uint64_t create_obstacles_bitboard();
int update_penguin_moves(uint32_t* p, uint64_t obstacles);
const uint8_t RED = 0;
const uint8_t BLUE = 1;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const penguin& pen);
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ namespace game
std::string move;
std::cin >> move;[move]);
player = 1 - player;
player = g.current_player();
std::cout << g.to_string() << std::endl;
if (g.won(0)) std::cout << g.player_to_string(0) << " won";
This diff is collapsed.
* Artificial Intelligence for the Penguin Game project.
* This AI, with the exception of game/penguin.hpp and game/penguin.cpp has been written by Pascal Garcia
* Copyright (C) 2016 Pascal Garcia
* It is licensed under the MIT license: you can find a copy in the file LICENSE.txt shipped with the whole project.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* game/penguin.hpp and game/penguin.cpp have been written by Francesco Bariatti, Adrien Gasté, Mikael Le, Romain Lebouc.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Francesco Bariatti < >, Adrien Gasté < >, Mikael Le < >, Romain Lebouc < >
* They are also licensed under the MIT license: you can find a copy in the file LICENSE.txt shipped with the whole project.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This program uses the jsoncpp library.
* You can find a copy of the library at
* The library is licensed under MIT license.
* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
#include "penguin.hpp"
#include "test_two_players_game.hpp"
#include "test_fast_log.hpp"
#include "test_allocator.hpp"
#include "test_mcts_two_players.hpp"
#include "test_bits.hpp"
#include "learning.hpp"
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// util::test_fast_log(100000000);
// mcts::test_allocator(10, 2);
// omp_set_num_threads(8);
return 0;
// Allocated memory for the mcts. If not enough the program may crash
#define MCTS_ALLOCATOR_SIZE 1000000U
// Reflection time for every turn of the mcts (in ms)
#define MCTS_TURN_TIME 5000
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......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#define __ALLOCATOR_HPP__
#include "node.hpp"
#include "MCTS_SETTINGS.hpp"
namespace mcts
......@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ namespace mcts
void copy(node* n1, node* n2, unsigned int prunning = 0);
allocator(unsigned int size = 10000000U);
allocator(unsigned int size = MCTS_ALLOCATOR_SIZE);
node* allocate(unsigned int size);
void clear();
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......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ namespace mcts
this->root = alloc_.move(&this->root->get_children()[move]);
this->root = alloc_.move(&this->root->get_children()[move], 20);
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