# Resources that will be included in the jar (they will be appended to the jar creation command. See man for the -C option that will allow to specify a relative path inside the jar)
# Sources root directory: all your sources will be under this directory (packages and classes)
# Packages that will be compiled and included in the jar: every class in these packages will be compiled, if you have classes in a package and in a subpackage as well you must specify both. Example: main package package/subpackage
GUIPackages:= main model view controller
# Additional classes tha will be compiled and included in the jar: useful for packages that contains classes that you don't want to include. Otherwise, just use the Packages variable. Specify the path inside the source root WITH EXTENSION. Example: main/Main.java package/subpackage/MyClass.java
# Entry point (main class) for jar file. In the form package/subpackage/Class
GUIJAREntryPoint:= main.Main
# Additional resources that will be copied in jar file. In the form -C path/to/the/parent/folder resource/path (resource/path will also be the path of the resourc inside the jar)
# Searching for java files inside the $(Packages): for every package we search for java files and later we strip the leading source folder that is not necessary