The global goal of this teaching module is acquiring skills related to the design, develop, and evaluate a Web user interface that handles (open) data in a societal concern (green, eco-citizenship, impairment, etc.).
Examples of type of apps are (but not limited to):
This year (2023-2024), you will all work on the software system *Hydro* developed by the research groups *Eaux et Territoires* and *TERA* of the lab *Géosciences Rennes*.
During the first course, Nicolas Cornette will introduce you the goals of this system and will make a short demo.
- App to have an overview of all or selected INSA 'associations/clubs/évènements'
- An app for leveraging open data, such as from or You can use other open data source but ask us before (must be REST APIs).
The subjects are detailed in the file `projets_etudiants.pdf`.
We expect, at the end of the module, to merge some of your work into the *Hydro* system. So, your project may have a real social impact.
- If you have other ideas, do not hesitate to ask us.
## Skills to acquire
@@ -39,7 +32,7 @@ Ability to develop a usable user interface with dedicated user interactions, by
## Organization
-8 practical sessions to handle the different steps. This is a project so that working beyond the sessions is required.
-Eight practical sessions to handle the different steps. This is a project so that working beyond the sessions is required.
Sessions 1 and 2: design
Sessions 3 to 5: development
Sessions 6 to 8: evaluation
@@ -52,24 +45,11 @@ Three students per group.
## Technologies
- The technical stack of the *Hydro* front, so Angular
- The technical stack of the *Hydro* back, so Python
You will fork the following gitlab repository:
We will work with the frontend only.
This, however, requires a backend. We will use a fake one located in `backEnd`, which is a python REST server:
`python` (see the Hydro readme for dependencies). This launches the back on localhost and port 5000.
Launches the front-end as a classical Angular app (`ng serve` or `npx ng serve`). This works using Node 18 (not tested with other versions). As a reminder, manage your Node version using `nvm` (do not confuse with `mvn`):
The back-end has three routes:
-`osur/getxmlnames` (sic) that returns the list of configuration files a user can select
-`osur/getxml/{name}` that returns the configuration file corresponding to the given `name`, in XML
-`osur/run_cydre` that runs a simulation using as input the modified configuration file and returns as output a result (in XML)
- You can use either Angular, React, or VueJS to develop the front-end. You must use TypeScript within these frameworks. Ask us if you want to use another framework (that must use TypeScript).
- gitlab INSA
## MVP (minimal viable product)
@@ -81,3 +61,4 @@ TBD
## Marking
We will evaluate your project, which encompasses the three steps (design, development, evaluation).