- You can skip all `enumsX.rs`, `stringsX.rs`, `hashmapsX.rs`, `quiz2.rs`
- You can skip all `enumsX.rs`, `stringsX.rs`, `hashmapsX.rs`, `quiz2.rs`
- Do `options1.rs`. Why `Option` is safe? (When poping the content of a vec, the return type is `Option`)
- Do `options1.rs`. Why `Option` is safe? (When poping the content of a vec, the return type is `Option`)
- Skip `options2.rs`
- Skip `options2.rs`
- Do ``options3.rs` (see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/keyword.ref.html)
- Do `options3.rs` (see https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/keyword.ref.html)
- Do `errors1.rs` and `errors2.rs` and skip the next *errors* exercises
- Exercises on *traits*: what are the differences with the classical inheritance in C++? See https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch10-02-traits.html#default-implementations