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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028May27242319181716151413121110652130Apr2927191823Mar211698729Feb2212126Jan27Dec171614827Nov922Oct201454DocTechnique: finishv1.0 master v1v1.0 master v1Added subsection "Notre implémentation: le Jeu du Pingouin"Added licenseBig refactoring: deleted useless files, changed the project directory structureDocTech: corrections et ajoutsLowered volume of pingu themeUserDoc: correctionsChanges to makefileDocTech: interface graphiqueRelecture/correction premiere partie doc techniqueAdded license for json library in doc and codeDocTech: implémentation d'un nouveau jeuDocTech: introductionVersion finale de la soutenanceFinished soutenancePresentation soutenance: avancement dans la redactionMerge branch 'penguinArray'Removed old definitions of penguins var: switched to arrays of uint_32Implemented to_JSON with arraysRenamed update_moves to update_penguin_moves and changed calls to that function and created function to create obstacles bitboardBugfix: penguin couldn't move in direction C to the tile 0Added useful macros for extracting information from a penguinChanged implementation for function move_penguin()Implemented score update in play() with arraysChanged implementation of penguin_that_moves for penguin arrays. Deleted the function and integrated the code in play functionStarted migration towards array of penguins for every player instead of different variablesMerge branch 'master' of ssh:// Presentation SoutenanceCorrections d'erreursMerge branch 'master' of de la doc_utilisateurBeginning of .tex editAdded in Plan Interface GraphiqueDéplacé dossier Soutenance dans dossier LaTexAdded Soutenance Plan and LaTeX codeAdded settings file for mctsAdded files to gitignoreRapport final, postéRemoved useless filesChanged makefile to include GUI: a make run command allow to run the program. Small changes in GUI to allow compilation and execution