Source Package for Embedded Linux Lab
Command line instructions
Clone repo in your home
git clone ssh://
Go inside folder created : cd EmbeddedLinux_UDOO-NEO
1/ Config your git ID in terminal windows
git config --global "Name SurName"
git config --global ""
(info stored in ~/.gitconfig)
2/ Create your GitLab INSA account on web browser
Ask Teacher to add you member of group EmbeddedLinux_UDOO-NEO with Maintainer rights
"New Project" button
Choose group "EmbeddedLinux_Group" (drop down menu Project path)
Name Project like "4CDTI-P2020-<YourName>-LabUdooNeo"
Add your co-worker as developer role (Settings/Menbers)
4/ Create SSH keys for rights access on GitLab INSA account in terminal window
cmdline : ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in
Display your public key : cat ~/.ssh/
5/ Add public key on GitLab INSA account on web browser
Copy text and paste it to GitLAB INSA (Profile/Settings/SSH keys)
Zip .ssh folder and send by mail yours keys for future use
6/ Config origin-teacher & ryour origin repo in terminal window
git remote add origin ssh://<YourName>-LabUdooNeo
7/ Push your local directory to your personal repo in terminal window
9/ Check if your local repo is pushed on Gitlab repo on web browser
11/ Commit your modification when needed in terminal window
git commit -a -m "message to explain commit content"
or git commit -a
(vim command : 'i' to insert, 'ESC' to leave edit mode, ':wq' to save commit message)
12/ Push your modification on GitLab server in terminal window
git log --stat
13/ Check on GitLab server "new activity" on web browser
get modification's historical from remote repo : git fetch origin-teacher master
check modifications by : git diff --name-only master origin-teacher/master
update (merge) modif by : git pull origin-teacher master