Something went wrong on our end
Gontier Antonin authoredGontier Antonin authored
master_slave.cpp 4.19 KiB
#include "master_slave.hpp"
#include "message.hpp"
#include "agent_worker.hpp"
#include "fitness.hpp"
#include "ga.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
using namespace std;
namespace master_slave{
void run(int argc, char* argv[]){
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
("help,h", "print usage message")
("master,m", "launch master")
("slave,s", "launch slave")
("host", po::value<std::string>(), "address of master (used for slave)")
("port,p", po::value<int>(), "host port for slave, port to listen to for master")
("np", po::value<int>(), "number of eval by parameter")
("ns", po::value<int>(), "number of eval by slave")
("duration,d", po::value<int>(), "slave duration in minute");
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
if (vm.count("help")){
std::cout << desc << std::endl;
std::string host = "localhost";
int port = 54321;
if (vm.count("host")) host = vm["host"].as<std::string>();
if (vm.count("port")) port = vm["port"].as<int>();
if (vm.count("master")){
//Valeur par défaut
int np = 1;//nombre de tests sur un individu, évaluer sur la moyenne
int ns = 3;//nombre d'évaluations qu'on fait tourner sur une machine
float mutRate = 0.6;
float crossRate = 0.6;
int tournSize = 2;
int popSize = 30;
int nbIter = 100;
//Lecture de la config
vector<vector<string>> config = Utils::read_Config();
for(size_t i = 0; i<config.size(); i++){
if( == "nEvalP"){
np = stoi(;
}else if( == "nEvalS"){
ns = stoi(;
}else if( == "mutRate"){
mutRate = stof(;
}else if( == "crossRate"){
crossRate = stof(;
}else if( == "tournSize"){
tournSize = stoi(;
}else if( == "popSize"){
popSize = stoi(;
}else if( == "nbIter"){
nbIter = stoi(;
//Application de la config
if (vm.count("np")) np = vm["np"].as<int>();
if (vm.count("ns")) ns = vm["ns"].as<int>();
const ga::parameters params{
.mutation_rate = mutRate,//combien de fois on laisse le programme cuisiner
.crossover_rate = crossRate,//combien de fois on croise les instructions
.tournament_size = tournSize,//taille du pool de sélection des individus (1 à 2% de la population)
.population_size = popSize,//taille de la population
.nb_iterations = nbIter//nombre de générations
const agent::parameters agent_params{
.input_size = 1344,//taille de l'écran
.output_size = 9,//là c'est spécifique au jeu, c'est le nombre d'actions possibles
.nb_registers = 8,//
.block_size = 32,//taille du bloc d'instructions
.nb_blocks = 10//nombre du bloc du programme
ga ga(params, agent_params);
auto fitness = genetic_algorithms::make_distributed_fitness<double, agent>
np, ns);;
if (vm.count("slave")){
int d = 1e6;
if (vm.count("duration")) d = vm["duration"].as<int>();
slave<double, agent> slave(host, port, agent_worker, d);;
std::cout << "choose master or slave mode" << std::endl;