* @brief Handle different representation of an agent
* @struct request
* @brief Represent a serialized agent extracted from an archive
int id; /**< Identifier of this agent */
int nb_eval; /**< Total number of evaluation on this agent */
uint64_t seed; /**< Random seed used by the ALE to test this agent */
T params; /**< Unserialized agent */
* @fn serialize
* @brief Save/Load agent with archive
* @param[in,out] ar Archived agent
* @remark The second parameter is unused, as we don't ensure retrocompatibility.
* @warning Don't use it. This function is automatically called when (un)serializing with boost.
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int)
ar & id
& nb_eval
& seed
& params;
template <typename T>
* @struct result
* @brief Represent a serialized agent freshly tested
int id; /**< Identifier of this agent */
std::list<T> results; /**< List of score performed by this agent during testing */
* @fn serialize
* @brief Save/Load agent with archive
* @param[in,out] ar Archived agent
* @remark The second parameter is unused, as we don't ensure retrocompatibility.
* @waringn Don't use it. This function is automatically called when (un)serializing with boost.