"C:\\Users\\ngoch\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/ipykernel_26524/3406525718.py:1: DeprecationWarning: The 'body' parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instead use individual parameters.\n",
"ObjectApiResponse({'took': 824, 'timed_out': False, '_shards': {'total': 1, 'successful': 1, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0}, 'hits': {'total': {'value': 10000, 'relation': 'gte'}, 'max_score': 1.0, 'hits': [{'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364506249291784198', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'The world progresses while the Indian police and Govt are still trying to take India back to the horrific past through its tyranny. \\n\\n@narendramodi @DelhiPolice Shame on you. \\n\\n#ModiDontSellFarmers \\n#FarmersProtest \\n#FreeNodeepKaur twitter.com/ravisinghka/st…', 'date': '2021-02-24T09:23:35+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364154888666644481', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'An honest piece to counteract the attempt to dehumanise the protesting Sikhs in Denmark and Europe. \\n\\n#farmersprotest twitter.com/sikharchive/st…', 'date': '2021-02-23T10:07:24+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364111785486413828', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Today hashtag for the #farmersprotest is \\n\\n#Pagdi_Sambhal_Jatta twitter.com/kisanektamorch…', 'date': '2021-02-23T07:16:08+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364109014393626629', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Humanity against tyranny. \\n\\n#FarmersProtest \\n#humanrights twitter.com/ravisinghka/st…', 'date': '2021-02-23T07:05:07+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364000091208622082', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'After months of protests, over 200 deaths, 11 meetings. \\n\\n@nstomar still hasn’t figured out the issue. \\n\\nSir take the farmer’s offer of an open public debate and you’ll be the most informed, then you’ll be first in line to get the laws repealed. \\n\\n#farmersprotest #freenodeepkaur https://t.co/lMyE2E1kLp', 'date': '2021-02-22T23:52:18+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363997412424040448', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': '22/02/21 Updates from @jagjitvaheguru 🙏🏽\\n\\n#farmersprotest twitter.com/jagjitvaheguru…', 'date': '2021-02-22T23:41:39+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363760114969288708', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Humanity against tyranny. \\n\\n#FarmersProtest twitter.com/reutersindia/s…', 'date': '2021-02-22T07:58:43+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 2}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363753090181197824', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Not just a few mislead people. \\n\\n@narendramodi These are the people who put you in the position of governing the country. \\n\\nThey didn’t put you there to be ignored, violently attacked, sexually abused or have their food and water cut off by your @DelhiPolice\\n\\n#farmersprotest twitter.com/reuters/status…', 'date': '2021-02-22T07:30:48+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363613574317408266', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Today’s update 21/02/21: \\n\\nThank you @jagjitvaheguru 🙏🏽\\n\\n#FarmersProtest \\n#MSPLawForAllCrops \\n#ReleaseNodeepKaur twitter.com/jagjitvaheguru…', 'date': '2021-02-21T22:16:25+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363029589694574594', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': '@MankamalSingh @Punjab2000music @SikhPA @minkaur5 @SCUKofficial @SikhFedUK @sikhsinscotland @DrJasjitSingh Their response completely ignores the fact that Geeta cuts the speaker off and says, \\n“it’s not propaganda.”\\n\\nIn response to @DrSharandeep stating that the govt of Indian is spreading propaganda regarding the farmer’s protests being hijacked. \\n\\n@BBCNews \\n\\n#FarmersProtest https://t.co/Tp5A3ajVuE', 'date': '2021-02-20T07:35:52+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 3}}]}})"
C:\Users\ngoch\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_26524/3406525718.py:1: DeprecationWarning: The 'body' parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Instead use individual parameters.
ObjectApiResponse({'took': 824, 'timed_out': False, '_shards': {'total': 1, 'successful': 1, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0}, 'hits': {'total': {'value': 10000, 'relation': 'gte'}, 'max_score': 1.0, 'hits': [{'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364506249291784198', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'The world progresses while the Indian police and Govt are still trying to take India back to the horrific past through its tyranny. \n\n@narendramodi @DelhiPolice Shame on you. \n\n#ModiDontSellFarmers \n#FarmersProtest \n#FreeNodeepKaur twitter.com/ravisinghka/st…', 'date': '2021-02-24T09:23:35+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364154888666644481', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'An honest piece to counteract the attempt to dehumanise the protesting Sikhs in Denmark and Europe. \n\n#farmersprotest twitter.com/sikharchive/st…', 'date': '2021-02-23T10:07:24+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364111785486413828', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Today hashtag for the #farmersprotest is \n\n#Pagdi_Sambhal_Jatta twitter.com/kisanektamorch…', 'date': '2021-02-23T07:16:08+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364109014393626629', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Humanity against tyranny. \n\n#FarmersProtest \n#humanrights twitter.com/ravisinghka/st…', 'date': '2021-02-23T07:05:07+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1364000091208622082', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'After months of protests, over 200 deaths, 11 meetings. \n\n@nstomar still hasn’t figured out the issue. \n\nSir take the farmer’s offer of an open public debate and you’ll be the most informed, then you’ll be first in line to get the laws repealed. \n\n#farmersprotest #freenodeepkaur https://t.co/lMyE2E1kLp', 'date': '2021-02-22T23:52:18+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363997412424040448', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': '22/02/21 Updates from @jagjitvaheguru 🙏🏽\n\n#farmersprotest twitter.com/jagjitvaheguru…', 'date': '2021-02-22T23:41:39+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 0}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363760114969288708', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Humanity against tyranny. \n\n#FarmersProtest twitter.com/reutersindia/s…', 'date': '2021-02-22T07:58:43+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 2}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363753090181197824', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Not just a few mislead people. \n\n@narendramodi These are the people who put you in the position of governing the country. \n\nThey didn’t put you there to be ignored, violently attacked, sexually abused or have their food and water cut off by your @DelhiPolice\n\n#farmersprotest twitter.com/reuters/status…', 'date': '2021-02-22T07:30:48+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363613574317408266', '_score': 1.0, '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': 'Today’s update 21/02/21: \n\nThank you @jagjitvaheguru 🙏🏽\n\n#FarmersProtest \n#MSPLawForAllCrops \n#ReleaseNodeepKaur twitter.com/jagjitvaheguru…', 'date': '2021-02-21T22:16:25+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 1}}, {'_index': 'farmersprotest', '_id': '1363029589694574594', '_score': 1.0, '_ignored': ['_doc.keyword'], '_source': {'userId': 45091142, '_doc': '@MankamalSingh @Punjab2000music @SikhPA @minkaur5 @SCUKofficial @SikhFedUK @sikhsinscotland @DrJasjitSingh Their response completely ignores the fact that Geeta cuts the speaker off and says, \n“it’s not propaganda.”\n\nIn response to @DrSharandeep stating that the govt of Indian is spreading propaganda regarding the farmer’s protests being hijacked. \n\n@BBCNews \n\n#FarmersProtest https://t.co/Tp5A3ajVuE', 'date': '2021-02-20T07:35:52+00:00', 'location': '', 'like': 3}}]}})