/* * Copyright 2011-2012 INSA Rennes * * This file is part of ImageINSA. * * ImageINSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ImageINSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ImageINSA. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "ScalingOp.h" #include "../Tools.h" #include <Widgets/ImageWidgets/StandardImageWindow.h> #include <Widgets/ImageWidgets/DoubleImageWindow.h> #include <QDialog> #include <QFormLayout> #include <QComboBox> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QDoubleSpinBox> #include <QDialogButtonBox> #include <QApplication> #include <GrayscaleImage.h> #include <QGroupBox> #include <QRadioButton> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QLabel> #include <QtScript/QScriptEngine> #include <QDoubleSpinBox> using namespace std; using namespace imagein; using namespace genericinterface; ScalingOp::ScalingOp() : GenericOperation(qApp->translate("Operations", "Scaling").toStdString()) { _test=false, _interp=0, _xfactor=1., _yfactor=1.; } bool ScalingOp::needCurrentImg() const { return true; } bool ScalingOp::isValidImgWnd(const genericinterface::ImageWindow* imgWnd) const { return imgWnd != NULL; } void ScalingOp::operator()(const genericinterface::ImageWindow* currentWnd, const vector<const ImageWindow*>&) { QDialog* dialog = new QDialog(QApplication::activeWindow()); dialog->setWindowTitle(QString(qApp->translate("Operations", "Scaling"))); dialog->setMinimumWidth(180); QFormLayout* layout = new QFormLayout(); dialog->setLayout(layout); QDoubleSpinBox* xScaleBox = new QDoubleSpinBox(); QDoubleSpinBox* yScaleBox = new QDoubleSpinBox(); xScaleBox->setValue(1.0); yScaleBox->setValue(1.0); QComboBox* algoBox = new QComboBox(); algoBox->addItem(qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "Nearest neighboor (standard)")); algoBox->addItem(qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "Bi-linear")); algoBox->addItem(qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "Parabolic")); algoBox->addItem(qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "Spline")); layout->insertRow(0, qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "Interpolation : "), algoBox); layout->insertRow(1, qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "X scale factor : "), xScaleBox); layout->insertRow(2, qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "Y scale factor : "), yScaleBox); QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel, Qt::Horizontal, dialog); layout->insertRow(3, buttonBox); QObject::connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), dialog, SLOT(accept())); QObject::connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), dialog, SLOT(reject())); if(_test){ xScaleBox->setValue(_xfactor); yScaleBox->setValue(_yfactor); algoBox->setCurrentIndex(_interp); } else{ QDialog::DialogCode code = static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(dialog->exec()); if(code!=QDialog::Accepted) return; } Interpolation inter; switch(algoBox->currentIndex()) { case 1: inter = BilinearInterpolation; break; case 2: inter = ParabolicInterpolation; break; case 3: inter = SplineInterpolation; break; default: inter = NearestInterpolation; break; } if(currentWnd->isStandard()) { const Image* image = static_cast<const StandardImageWindow*>(currentWnd)->getImage(); Image* resImg = NULL; switch(inter) { case NearestInterpolation: resImg = scale<Image::depth_t, Nearest>(image, xScaleBox->value(), yScaleBox->value()); break; case BilinearInterpolation: resImg = scale<Image::depth_t, Bilinear>(image, xScaleBox->value(), yScaleBox->value()); break; case ParabolicInterpolation: resImg = scale<Image::depth_t, Parabolic>(image, xScaleBox->value(), yScaleBox->value()); break; case SplineInterpolation: resImg = scale<Image::depth_t, Spline>(image, xScaleBox->value(), yScaleBox->value()); break; } if(resImg != NULL) { QString interpolationType; if(inter==1) interpolationType = QString(qApp->translate("ScalingOp","Bilinear Interpolation")); else if(inter==2) interpolationType = QString(qApp->translate("ScalingOp","Parabolic Interpolation")); else if(inter==3) interpolationType = QString(qApp->translate("ScalingOp","Spline Interpolation")); else interpolationType = QString(qApp->translate("ScalingOp","Nearest Interpolation")); outImage(resImg,qApp->translate("ScalingOp","Scaled").toStdString() + " - " + interpolationType.toStdString()); } } else if(currentWnd->isDouble()) { const Image_t<double>* image = static_cast<const DoubleImageWindow*>(currentWnd)->getImage(); Image_t<double>* resImg = scale<double, Nearest>(image, xScaleBox->value(), yScaleBox->value()); outDoubleImage(resImg, qApp->translate("ScalingOp", "scaled").toStdString()); } } template<typename D, template<typename> class I> Image_t<D> *ScalingOp::scale(const Image_t<D> *image, double xScale, double yScale) { unsigned int newWidth = image->getWidth() * xScale; unsigned int newHeight = image->getHeight() * yScale; Image_t<double>* tmpImg = new Image_t<double>(newWidth, image->getHeight(), image->getNbChannels(), 0.); if(newWidth > image->getWidth()) { for(unsigned int c = 0; c < image->getNbChannels(); ++c) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < image->getHeight(); ++j) { I<D>::interpolate(image->getConstRow(j, c), tmpImg->getRow(j, c)); } } } else { for(unsigned int c = 0; c < tmpImg->getNbChannels(); ++c) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < image->getHeight(); ++j) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpImg->getWidth(); ++i) { double value = 0; int nValue = 0; for(unsigned int k = i / xScale; k < (i + 1) / xScale; ++k) { value += image->getPixelAt(k, j, c); ++nValue; } tmpImg->setPixelAt(i, j, c, value / nValue); } } } } Image_t<double>* tmpImg2 = new Image_t<double>(tmpImg->getWidth(), newHeight, image->getNbChannels(), 0.); if(newHeight >= image->getHeight()) { for(unsigned int c = 0; c < tmpImg->getNbChannels(); ++c) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpImg->getWidth(); ++i) { I<double>::interpolate(tmpImg->getConstColumn(i, c), tmpImg2->getColumn(i, c)); } } } else { for(unsigned int c = 0; c < tmpImg2->getNbChannels(); ++c) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpImg2->getWidth(); ++i) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < tmpImg2->getHeight(); ++j) { double value = 0; int nValue = 0; for(unsigned int k = j / yScale; k < (j + 1) / yScale; ++k) { value += tmpImg->getPixelAt(i, k, c); ++nValue; } tmpImg2->setPixelAt(i, j, c, value / nValue); } } } } for(typename Image_t<double>::iterator it = tmpImg2->begin(); it < tmpImg2->end(); ++it) { if(*it > 255.) *it = 255.; if(*it < 0.) *it = 0.; } Image_t<D>* resImg = Converter<Image_t<D> >::convert(*tmpImg2); delete tmpImg; delete tmpImg2; return resImg; } template<typename D> void ScalingOp::Nearest<D>::interpolate(typename Image_t<D>::ConstLine src, typename Image_t<double>::Line dst) { double scale = (double)dst.size() / src.size(); for(int i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) { for(int j = i*scale; j < (i+1)*scale; ++j) { dst[j] = src[i]; } } } template<typename D> void ScalingOp::Bilinear<D>::interpolate(typename Image_t<D>::ConstLine src, typename Image_t<double>::Line dst) { double scale = (double)dst.size() / src.size(); int offset = floor( scale / 2 ); for(int i = 0; i < offset; ++i) { dst[i] = src[0]; } for(int i = 0; i < (src.size() - 1); ++i) { const D vl = src[i]; const D vr = src[i + 1]; int n = floor((i+1)*scale) - floor(i*scale); double dist = (double)(vr - vl) / n; double value = vl; for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { dst[i*scale + j + offset] = value; value += dist; } } for(int i = (src.size()-1)*scale + offset; i < dst.size(); ++i) { dst[i] = src[src.size()-1]; } } template<typename D> void ScalingOp::Parabolic<D>::interpolate(typename Image_t<D>::ConstLine src, typename Image_t<double>::Line dst) { double scale = (double)dst.size() / src.size(); for(int i = 0; i < src.size(); ++i) { const D f1 = src[(i > 0) ? i - 1 : i]; const D f2 = src[i]; const D f3 = src[(i < (src.size() - 1)) ? i + 1 : i]; int n = floor((i+1)*scale) - floor(i*scale); for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { double a = f1 + f3 - 2 * f2; double b = f3 - f1; const double p = (double)j / n -0.5; dst[i*scale + j] = f2 + p * ( b / 2. + p * a / 2.); } } } template<typename D> void ScalingOp::Spline<D>::interpolate(typename Image_t<D>::ConstLine src, typename Image_t<double>::Line dst) { double scale = (double)dst.size() / src.size(); int offset = floor( scale / 2 ); { const D f0 = src[0]; const D fm1 = src[0]; const D fm2 = src[0]; const D fp1 = src[1]; const D fp2 = (src.size() > 1) ? src[2] : fp1; for(int j = 0; j < offset; ++j) { double c = 10. * f0 + 4. * (fp1 + fm1) - (fp2 +fm2); dst[j] = c / 16.; } } for(int i = 0; i < (src.size() - 1); ++i) { const D f0 = src[i]; const D fm1 = (i > 0) ? src[i - 1] : f0; const D fm2 = (i > 1) ? src[i - 2] : fm1; const D fp1 = (i < (src.size() - 1)) ? src[i + 1] : f0; const D fp2 = (i < (src.size() - 2)) ? src[i + 2] : fp1; const D fp3 = (i < (src.size() - 3)) ? src[i + 3] : fp2; int n = floor((i+1)*scale) - floor(i*scale); for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { double a = 7. * (fp2 + fm1) - 6. * (fp1 + f0) - (fp3 + fm2); double b = 12. * (fp1 - fm1) - 2. * (fp2 - fm2); double c = 10. * f0 + 4. * (fp1 + fm1) - (fp2 +fm2); const double p = (double)j / n; dst[i*scale + j + offset] = (a * p * p + b * p + c ) / 16.; } } const D f0 = src[src.size() - 1]; const D fm1 = src.size() > 1 ? src[src.size() - 2] : f0; const D fm2 = src.size() > 1 ? src[src.size() - 3] : fm1; const D fp1 = f0; const D fp2 = fp1; for(int j = (src.size()-1)*scale + offset; j < dst.size(); ++j) { double c = 10. * f0 + 4. * (fp1 + fm1) - (fp2 +fm2); dst[j] = c / 16.; } } void ScalingOp::setTest(bool a){ _test = a; } void ScalingOp::setInterpolation(int a){ _interp = a; } void ScalingOp::setXFactor(double a){ _xfactor = a; } void ScalingOp::setYFactor(double a){ _yfactor = a; }