diff --git a/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.cpp b/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.cpp
index ca113371d3127d932485a7cee0f9869230529b9d..d9ad535c02cdd9e5d8a6d6d61a1017aab93b576d 100644
--- a/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.cpp
+++ b/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.cpp
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Image *Pyramid::pyram_g(const GrayscaleImage *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, st
     if( etage_f < 1 ) etage_f = 1;
     pyram_g_n(rep, etage_f, nbc, nbl, itab, utile);
-    to_print = entropie_p(rep, etage_f, nbc, nbl);
+    to_print = entropie_p(rep, etage_f, nbc, nbl);   
     reconstruction(rep, etage_f, nbc, nbl);
     return resImg;
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ Image *Pyramid::pyram_g(const GrayscaleImage *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, st
     Cration d'un tage de la  pyramide Gaussienne
-Image *Pyramid::n_pyram_g(const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile )
+Image *Pyramid::n_pyram_g(const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, std::string &to_print)
     if(!( im != NULL )) {
         throw "Error in Pyramid::pyram_g:\nim = NULL";
@@ -305,6 +305,7 @@ Image *Pyramid::n_pyram_g(const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile )
         rep[i] = tab[i+k];
     delete[] tab;
+    to_print = n_entropie_p(rep, etage_f, nbc, nbl);
     return resImg;
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ Image *Pyramid::pyram_l (const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, string &to
     if( etage_f < 1 ) etage_f = 1;
-    to_print = entropie_p(rep,etage_f,nbc,nbl);
+    to_print = entropie_p(rep, etage_f, nbc, nbl);
     return resImg;
@@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ Image *Pyramid::pyram_l (const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, string &to
     Cration d'un tage de la  pyramide Laplacienne
-Image *Pyramid::n_pyram_l(const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile)
+Image *Pyramid::n_pyram_l(const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, std::string &to_print)
     if(!( im != NULL )) {
         throw "Error in Pyramid::pyram_g:\nim = NULL";
@@ -383,6 +384,7 @@ Image *Pyramid::n_pyram_l(const Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile)
         rep[i] = tab[i+k];
+    to_print = n_entropie_p(rep, etage_f, nbc, nbl);
     delete[] tab;
     return resImg;
@@ -665,6 +667,24 @@ string Pyramid::entropie_p(const uint8_t *pyra,int etage_f,int nbc,int nbl)
    return returnval;
+string Pyramid::n_entropie_p(const uint8_t *pyra,int etage_f,int nbc,int nbl)
+    int i;
+    float h;
+    int taille_c=nbc;
+    int taille_l=nbl;
+    for(i=0;i<etage_f;i++)
+    {
+        taille_c=taille_c/2;
+        taille_l=taille_l/2;
+    }
+    char buffer[255];
+    string returnval;
+    h=entropie2(pyra,taille_c,taille_l);
+    sprintf(buffer, QString(qApp->translate("Operations","L'entropie de l'etage %d est %1f\n")).toUtf8(),i,h);
+    returnval = returnval + buffer;
+    return returnval;
 Image *Pyramid::rebuild_interface( const Image *pyramid, int etage_f, int pyramid_to, Filtre &utile ) {
     // rebuilds from an image that was saved
diff --git a/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.h b/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.h
index 3a213df77814939799b2a96bc9100e99e1985ce5..f62dfb519801e27c3782e291faae0de3f49a001c 100644
--- a/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.h
+++ b/app/Algorithms/Pyramid.h
@@ -24,49 +24,282 @@
 #include <GrayscaleImage.h>
 #include <string>
+ * \brief
+ *
+ * \param 
+ * \return
 namespace Pyramid
+    /*!
+    * \brief return if a number is a Powerof2 or not
+    * \param n the number to test
+    * \return true if n is a power of2 false otherwise
+    */
     inline bool isPowerOf2(int n) {
         return ( ( n > 0 ) && ( (n & (n - 1) ) == 0) );
+    /*!
+    * \struct Filtre 
+    * \Brief A stucture reprensenting a filter 
+    *   
+    *   Coefficients are given to only one side of the filter, we use symetry for the others
+    *   example : if coeff_f = {1, 0.5 , 0.25, ...},  the filter really applied is  {..., 0.25, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0.25, ..}
+    *   Size is the maximum index to search for coefficient in the coeff_f[] 
+    */
     struct Filtre {
-                char nom_f[30];
-                float coeff_f[10];
-          int taille_f;
+                char nom_f[30];         //!< Name of the filter 
+                float coeff_f[10];      //!< Coefficient of the filter 
+          int taille_f;                 //!< Size of the filter
+    /*!
+    * \Class Filters
+    * \Brief A class used for pyramid operation
+    *   
+    * This class regroup all all the filters possible in a tab 
+    */
     class Filters
         virtual ~Filters();
+        /**
+         * @brief Retrieve a filter in the filters array with its position
+         * 
+         * @param pos the position of the filter in the array
+         * @param to_fill the pointer where the filter will be return 
+         * @return true if the filter was found 
+         * @return false if the filter was not found
+         */
         bool getFromPos( int pos, Filtre &to_fill );
+        /**
+         * @brief Retrieve a filter in the filters array with its name
+         * 
+         * @param name the name of the filter 
+         * @param to_fill the pointer to return the found filter in
+         * @return true if the filter was found 
+         * @return false if the filter was not found
+         */
         bool getFromName( const char *name, Filtre &to_fill );
+        /**
+         * @brief Get the Default filter 
+         * 
+         * @param to_fill  the pointer to return the filter in
+         */
         void getDefault( Filtre &to_fill );
+        /**
+         * @brief get the number of filter in the filters array
+         * 
+         * @return int the number of filter 
+         */
         int size();
-        const Filtre *filters;
-        int num_filters;
-        void copy_filter( const Filtre &source, Filtre &dest );
+        const Filtre *filters; //!< Array keeping every filter available
+        int num_filters;       //!< Number of available filter 
+        /**
+         * @brief Copy a filter
+         * 
+         * @param source filter to copy
+         * @param dest destination filter 
+         */
+        void copy_filter( const Filtre &source, Filtre &dest ); 
+    /**
+     * @brief Create the next level of a gaussian pyramid 
+     * 
+     * @param srcTab previous level data
+     * @param dstTab new level data 
+     * @param srcWidth Width of the previous level
+     * @param srcHeight hegiht of the previous level 
+     * @param utile the filter to use 
+     */
     void etage_suiv_g(const uint8_t *srcTab, uint8_t *dstTab, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief Create a gaussian pyramid 
+     * 
+     * @param rep the created pyramid
+     * @param nStage number of level wanted in the pyramid 
+     * @param nbc width of the original image
+     * @param nbl height of the original image
+     * @param itab source image
+     * @param utile filter to use
+     */
     void pyram_g_n(uint8_t *rep, int nStage, long nbc, long nbl, const uint8_t *itab, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief Create a laplacian pyramid 
+     * 
+     * @param rep the created pyramid
+     * @param nStage number of level wanted in the pyramid 
+     * @param nbc width of the original image
+     * @param nbl height of the original image
+     * @param itab source image
+     * @param utile filter to use
+     */
     void pyram_l_n (uint8_t *rep,int n, long nbc, long nbl, const uint8_t *itab, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief Create a gaussian pyramid and return an image of it
+     * 
+     * @param im the to build pyramid from 
+     * @param etage_f number of level in the pyramid
+     * @param utile filter to use 
+     * @param to_print text to print in the log window
+     * @return imagein::Image* the image of the new pyramid
+     */
     imagein::Image *pyram_g(const imagein::GrayscaleImage *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, std::string &to_print);
-    imagein::Image *n_pyram_g(const imagein::Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile );
+    /**
+     * @brief Create a level of a gaussian pyramid and return an image of it
+     * 
+     * @param im the to build pyramid from 
+     * @param etage_f number of the level to create
+     * @param utile filter to use
+     * @return imagein::Image* the image of the new pyramid
+     */
+    imagein::Image *n_pyram_g(const imagein::Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, std::string &to_print);
+    /**
+     * @brief Create a Laplacian pyramid and return an image of it
+     * 
+     * @param im the to build pyramid from 
+     * @param etage_f number of level in the pyramid
+     * @param utile filter to use 
+     * @param to_print text to print in the log window
+     * @return imagein::Image* the image of the new pyramid
+     */
     imagein::Image *pyram_l (const imagein::Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, std::string &to_print);
-    imagein::Image *n_pyram_l(const imagein::Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief Create a level of a gaussian pyramid and return an image of it
+     * 
+     * @param im the to build pyramid from 
+     * @param etage_f number of the level to create
+     * @param utile filter to use
+     * @return imagein::Image* the image of the new pyramid
+     */
+    imagein::Image *n_pyram_l(const imagein::Image *im, int etage_f, Filtre &utile, std::string &to_print);
+    /**
+     * @brief Proccess the value by applying filter on lign
+     * 
+     * @param tab data of the lign 
+     * @param cl number of column
+     * @param x position of the pixel
+     * @param y position of the pixel
+     * @param utile filter to apply
+     * @return uint8_t the value of the pixel
+     */
     uint8_t filt_point_1d_lg(const uint8_t *tab,int cl, int x, int y, Filtre &utile);
+        /**
+     * @brief Proccess the value by applying filter on column
+     * 
+     * @param tab data of the column 
+     * @param cl number of lign
+     * @param x position of the pixel
+     * @param y position of the pixel
+     * @param utile filter to apply
+     * @return uint8_t the value of the pixel
+     */
     uint8_t filt_point_1d_cl(const uint8_t *tab,int lg,int cl, int x, int y, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief apply filtering on a lign
+     * 
+     * @param ligne the data of the lign
+     * @param taille_c number of column
+     * @param utile filter to apply
+     */
     void filt_ligne(uint8_t *ligne,int taille_c, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief apply filtering on a c
+     * 
+     * @param tab the data of the column
+     * @param taille_c number of column
+     * @param taille_l number of lign
+     * @param utile filter to apply
+     */
     void filt_tab_cl(uint8_t *tab,int taille_c,int taille_l, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief Enlarging an image (with filtering)
+     * 
+     * @param petit the input image
+     * @param grand the output image
+     * @param taille_c number of column
+     * @param taille_l number of lign
+     * @param utile filter to apply
+     */
     void agrandir(uint8_t *petit,uint8_t *grand,int taille_c,int taille_l, Filtre &utile);
+    /**
+     * @brief 
+     * 
+     * @param pyra the pyramide 
+     * @param n the number of level 
+     * @param nbc number of column
+     * @param nbl number of lign
+     */
     void reconstruction(uint8_t *pyra,int n, long nbc, long nbl);
+    /**
+     * @brief process the maximum number of level for an image
+     * 
+     * @param im input image
+     * @return int the maximum number of level 
+     */
     int etage_max(const imagein::Image *im);
+    /**
+     * @brief proccess the entropy of an image
+     * 
+     * @param tab data from the image
+     * @param taille_c number of column
+     * @param taille_l number of lign
+     * @return float the entropy
+     */
     float entropie2(const uint8_t *tab,int taille_c,int taille_l);
-    std::string entropie_p(const uint8_t *pyra,int etage_f,int nbc,int nbl);
+    /**
+     * @brief Return a directly printable string of the entropy 
+     * 
+     * @param pyra data to proccess entropy 
+     * @param etage_f the level of entropy 
+     * @param nbc number of column
+     * @param nbl number of lign
+     * @return std::string the printable entropy 
+     */
+    std::string entropie_p(const uint8_t *pyra,int etage_f, int nbc, int nbl);
+     /**
+     * @brief Return a directly printable string of the entropy for only one level
+     * 
+     * @param pyra data to proccess entropy 
+     * @param etage_f the level of entropy 
+     * @param nbc number of column
+     * @param nbl number of lign
+     * @return std::string the printable entropy 
+     */
+    std::string n_entropie_p(const uint8_t *pyra, int etage_f,int nbc,int nbl);
+    /**
+     * @brief Return the image reconstructed from a pyramide
+     * 
+     * @param to_rebuild pyramid to rebuild
+     * @param etage_f number of level in the pyramid
+     * @param to_rebuild_to level to reconstruct 
+     * @param utile filter to use
+     * @return imagein::Image* the output reconstructed image
+     */
     imagein::Image* rebuild_interface(const imagein::Image *to_rebuild, int etage_f, int to_rebuild_to, Filtre &utile );