/** * Artificial Intelligence for the Penguin Game project. * https://gitlab.insa-rennes.fr/francesco-bariatti/pingouins * This AI, with the exception of game/penguin.hpp and game/penguin.cpp has been written by Pascal Garcia * Copyright (C) 2016 Pascal Garcia * It is licensed under the MIT license: you can find a copy in the file LICENSE.txt shipped with the whole project. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * game/penguin.hpp and game/penguin.cpp have been written by Francesco Bariatti, Adrien Gasté, Mikael Le, Romain Lebouc. * Copyright (C) 2016 Francesco Bariatti < francesco.bariatti@insa-rennes.fr >, Adrien Gasté < adrien.gaste@insa-rennes.fr >, Mikael Le < mikael.le@insa-rennes.fr >, Romain Lebouc < romain.lebouc@insa-rennes.fr > * They are also licensed under the MIT license: you can find a copy in the file LICENSE.txt shipped with the whole project. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program uses the jsoncpp library. * You can find a copy of the library at https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp * The library is licensed under MIT license. * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur */ #include "penguin.hpp" #include "test_two_players_game.hpp" #include "test_fast_log.hpp" #include "test_allocator.hpp" #include "test_mcts_two_players.hpp" #include "test_bits.hpp" #include "learning.hpp" #include <omp.h> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // util::test_fast_log(100000000); // mcts::test_allocator(10, 2); // omp_set_num_threads(8); //game::run_test_two_players_game(game::penguin()); mcts::run_test_mcts_two_players(game::penguin()); //util::test_bits(200000000); return 0; }