diff --git a/src/game/morpion.cpp b/src/game/morpion.cpp
index e45aed13fabf4ce27eb94be7cd1b327c812a3bf7..82febcc0bab9da96d8e3f3c6168363849d2bdee0 100644
--- a/src/game/morpion.cpp
+++ b/src/game/morpion.cpp
@@ -49,20 +49,20 @@ namespace game
 	bool morpion::won(std::uint8_t player) const
-		//TODO: Implement
-		return false;
+		if (player == CROSS) return state.first_player_win;
+		return state.second_player_win;
 	bool morpion::lost(std::uint8_t player) const
-		//TODO: Implement
-		return false;
+		if (player == CIRCLE) return state.first_player_win;
+		return state.second_player_win;
 	bool morpion::draw(std::uint8_t player) const
-		//TODO: Implement
-		return false;
+		if (state.first_player_win || state.second_player_win) return false;
+		return state.total_moves == 9;
 	uint8_t morpion::current_player() const
@@ -72,7 +72,12 @@ namespace game
 	int morpion::value(uint8_t player) const
-		//TODO: Implement
+		if (player == CROSS) {
+			return state.first_player_win? 1 : (state.second_player_win? -1 : 0)
+		}
+		else if (player == CIRCLE) {
+			return state.second_player_win? 1 : (state.first_player_win? -1 : 0)
+		}
 		return 0;
@@ -83,8 +88,7 @@ namespace game
 	bool morpion::get(uint64_t bitboard, uint8_t col, uint8_t row) const
-		//TODO: Implement
-		return false;
+		return bitboard & (1LL << (3*row)) << col;
 //#define set(bitboard, col, row) (bitboard |= (1LL << (((col) << 3) + (row))))
@@ -119,17 +123,25 @@ namespace game
 		if(current_player() == CROSS)
+	/**
+	 * player_to_string
+	 * Retourne X si le joueur joue les croix, O s'il joue les ronds, 
+	 * et un espace sinon.
+	 */
 	string morpion::player_to_string(uint8_t player) const
-		//TODO: Implement
-		return "TODO";
+		return player == CROSS ? "X" : (player == CIRCLE ? "O" : " ");
 	string morpion::move_to_string(uint16_t m) const
-		//TODO: Implement
-		return "TODO";
+		uint8_t row = m/3;
+		uint8_t col = m%3;
+		return "( "std::to_string(row)", "std::to_string(col)" )";
 	set<int> morpion::to_input_vector() const
@@ -143,8 +155,8 @@ namespace game
 	string morpion::to_string() const
-		//TODO: Implement
-		return "TODO";
+		for (int i = 0
 	void morpion::playout(mt19937& engine, int max_depth)
diff --git a/src/game/morpion.hpp b/src/game/morpion.hpp
index fa0a603bb0ca9aa9d827110f554ae3db998ee22b..b18d82664845a268b51d2f183ff2dc77395b1888 100644
--- a/src/game/morpion.hpp
+++ b/src/game/morpion.hpp
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ namespace game
 	struct morpion_state
-		uint16_t cross_bitboard = 0;
-		uint16_t circle_bitboard = 0;
-		uint8_t total_moves = 0;
-		bool first_player_win = false;
-		bool second_player_win = false;
+		uint16_t cross_bitboard = 0; //bitboard with the played moves of the cross
+		uint16_t circle_bitboard = 0; //bitboard with the played moves of the circle
+		uint8_t total_moves = 0; //Total played moves (<= 9)
+		bool first_player_win = false; //First player is always the cross
+		bool second_player_win = false; //Second player is always the circle
 	class morpion : public game<morpion_state>
@@ -24,36 +24,46 @@ namespace game
 			morpion(const morpion& mor) = default;
 			morpion& operator=(const morpion& mor) = default;
-			bool end_of_game() const;
+			bool end_of_game() const; //Is the game ended? (draw or won)
 			int value(std::uint8_t player) const; //Returns if the player win, loose or nothing
 			bool won(std::uint8_t player) const;
 			bool lost(std::uint8_t player) const;
 			bool draw(std::uint8_t player) const;
-			uint8_t current_player() const;
-			std::uint16_t number_of_moves() const;
-			void play(std::uint16_t m);
+			uint8_t current_player() const; //The player that has to play next (at the beginning, the first player)
+			std::uint16_t number_of_moves() const; //Moves played until now
+			void play(std::uint16_t m); //Play a move (updates the state)
 			void undo(std::uint16_t m) {}
-			std::string player_to_string(std::uint8_t player) const;
-			std::string move_to_string(std::uint16_t m) const;
-			std::string to_string() const;
+			std::string player_to_string(std::uint8_t player) const; //String representation of a player
+			std::string move_to_string(std::uint16_t m) const; //String representation of a move (for example, A1)
+			std::string to_string() const; //String representation of the entire game
 			void playout(std::mt19937& engine, int max_depth = -1);
 			std::set<int> to_input_vector() const;
 			void from_input_vector(const std::set<int>& input);
-			morpion_state get_state();
-			void set_state(const morpion_state& state);
+			morpion_state get_state(); //Return the state
+			void set_state(const morpion_state& state); //Replace the current state with the one passed as a parameter
 			std::shared_ptr<game<morpion_state>> do_copy() const;
 			std::uint64_t hash(std::uint16_t m) const;
 			std::uint64_t hash() const;
-			inline void update_win();
-			inline bool has_won(uint16_t bitboard);
-			inline bool get(uint16_t bitboard, uint8_t i, uint8_t j) const;
+			inline void update_win(); //Check if someone won and update the state
+			inline bool has_won(uint16_t bitboard); //Check if the player whose bitboard was passed as a param has won
+			inline bool get(uint16_t bitboard, uint8_t i, uint8_t j) const; //Get a case of the board
-			const uint8_t CROSS = 1;
-			const uint8_t CIRCLE = 0;
+			const uint8_t CROSS = 0;
+			const uint8_t CIRCLE = 1;
 			morpion_state state;
+			const uint16_t ROW0_MASK = 504;
+			const uint16_t ROW1_MASK = 455;
+			const uint16_t ROW2_MASK = 63;
+			const uint16_t COL0_MASK = 438;
+			const uint16_t COL1_MASK = 365;
+			const uint16_t COL2_MASK = 219;
+			const uint16_t DIA0_MASK = 238;
+			const uint16_t DIA1_MASK = 427;
 			static std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> cross_hash_values;
 			static std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> circle_hash_values;