#ifndef __PENGUIN_HPP__ #define __PENGUIN_HPP__ #include "game.hpp" #include "json.hpp" using json = nlohmann::json; #include <random> #include <array> #include <iostream> #include <memory> namespace game { struct penguin_state { uint64_t one_fish = 1152921504606846975; //Position of one-fish tiles (bitboard) uint64_t two_fish = 0; //Position of two-fish tiles (bitboard) uint64_t three_fish = 0; //Position of three-fish tiles (bitboard) //Penguins uint32_t peng_red[4] = {0, 1, 6, 7}; uint32_t peng_blue[4] = {59, 58, 53, 54}; int score_red = 0; int score_blue = 0; bool current_player_red = true; //True if red must play now. Red always starts int nb_moves_red = 0; //Number of moves the red player can play int nb_moves_blue = 0; bool canPlay_red = true; bool canPlay_blue = true; }; //Describes the possible content of a peguin game tile enum tile_content {RED_PENGUIN,BLUE_PENGUIN,ONE_FISH,TWO_FISH,THREE_FISH,OBSTACLE}; // Useful macros to get values out of penguins #define PENGUIN_POS(penguin) ((penguin) & 63) #define PENGUIN_TOT_MOVES(penguin) (((penguin) >> 6) & 63) #define PENGUIN_MOVES_A(penguin) (((penguin) >> 12) & 7) #define PENGUIN_MOVES_B(penguin) (((penguin) >> 15) & 7) #define PENGUIN_MOVES_C(penguin) (((penguin) >> 18) & 7) #define PENGUIN_MOVES_D(penguin) (((penguin) >> 21) & 7) #define PENGUIN_MOVES_E(penguin) (((penguin) >> 24) & 7) #define PENGUIN_MOVES_F(penguin) (((penguin) >> 27) & 7) class penguin : public game<penguin_state> { public: penguin(); penguin(bool); penguin(const penguin& pen) = default; penguin& operator=(const penguin& pen) = default; bool end_of_game() const; //Is the game ended? (draw or won) int value(std::uint8_t player) const; //Returns if the player win, loose or nothing bool won(std::uint8_t player) const; bool lost(std::uint8_t player) const; bool draw(std::uint8_t player) const; uint8_t current_player() const; //The player that has to play next (at the beginning, the first player) std::uint16_t number_of_moves() const; //Number of moves that you can play void play(std::uint16_t m); //Play the move m (updates the state). void undo(std::uint16_t m) {} std::string player_to_string(std::uint8_t player) const; //String representation of a player std::string move_to_string(std::uint16_t m) const; //String representation of a move (for example, A1) json to_JSON() const; std::string to_string() const; //String representatcion of the entire game std::set<int> to_input_vector() const; void from_input_vector(const std::set<int>& input); penguin_state get_state(); //Return the state void set_state(const penguin_state& state); //Replace the current state with the one passed as a parameter std::shared_ptr<game<penguin_state>> do_copy() const; std::uint64_t hash(std::uint16_t m) const; std::uint64_t hash() const; /** Returns the content of a tile i : the line, between 0 and 7 j : the column, between 0 and 7 if i is pair else between 0 and 8 */ const tile_content get_tile(std::uint8_t tile_index) const; static penguin_state random_start_state(); std::uint64_t penguin_board(bool) const; // true for position of blue penguin, else false uint64_t penguin_move_board(const uint32_t& pen) const; //Bitboard of possible move of the penguin uint8_t turns_played() const; private: penguin_state state; void move_penguin(uint32_t* p, uint16_t rel_move); uint64_t create_obstacles_bitboard(); int update_penguin_moves(uint32_t* p, uint64_t obstacles); const uint8_t RED = 0; const uint8_t BLUE = 1; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const penguin& pen); } #endif